PrescottIf you see any these creatures, please let me know. I need two for xmas.
vdubb96Our receptionist just got one of these, I hadn't heard of them until yesterday.
CenterBHSFanWhat is it?
Ok I see. It's a stuffed toy hamster. -
j_crazya rainbow of colors available on amazon:
Here You Go Prescott.
also, you may consider changing the title of the thread if you meant zhu zhu. google turned up nothing for zsu zsu. -
vdubb96It's an annoying little hampster. Richard Gere is said to be the endorser!!!
Fab1bMr. Slave may have some!
PrescottThe MSRP on these things is $8.00. Those Amazon vendors want $40.00 plus.
j_crazyand cabbage patch dolls were a good deal in the 80's?
i understand the problem, but i'm just trying to help. ebay is getting pricey too.
I'm not sure how these things typically go, but my gut would say that the price will only go up as X-mas approaches. -
nc52why not just get a real hampster. another stupid moneymaker that kids will play with one time
dwccrewIf you spill water on them do they multiply? Just get these guys for X-Mas.