
An answer to the age old question...

  • capninsano
    How do blind people know when to stop wiping? After much research and a discussion on a forum for those that work with the blind......the final answer: they just know.

    But I didn't buy it. So I decided to test the "just know" theory where I stopped wiping after I thought I was done. I would wipe one more time and record the results. My conclusion: There are a lot of blind people out there walking around with skidmarks.

    Does anyone know someone blind that they can ask? I need answers.
  • capninsano
    I'm trying to up my thought provoking post count.
  • Fab1b
  • iclfan2
  • BigAppleBuckeye
    Did you see Stevie Wonder's underwear at the American Music Awards?

    Neither did he ...
  • mexappeal12
    wowzers!!! haha
  • Glory Days
    i am glad i am not blind, i can go through half a roll sometimes....too much info?
  • capninsano
    mex you need not reply in this post since we all know...girls don't poop.
  • majorspark
    They use their enhanced sense of smell.
  • mexappeal12
    capninsano wrote: mex you need not reply in this post since we all know...girls don't poop.
    Good, I'm glad we have that established
  • Tim Tebow
    majorspark wrote: They use their enhanced sense of smell.
    As I was going to say... when they think they done, they then smell the paper to make sure. If not, they wipe again and hope they didnt get any on their nose.
  • Fab1b
    capninsano wrote: mex you need not reply in this post since we all know...girls don't poop.
    That is so true!!
  • stroups
    capninsano wrote: mex you need not reply in this post since we all know...girls don't poop.
    you obviously didn't read this books as a kid

  • Fab1b
    stroups wrote:
    capninsano wrote: mex you need not reply in this post since we all know...girls don't poop.
    you obviously didn't read this books as a kid

    That book lied
  • Heretic
    That book lies. At least I hope apples don't poop. Why the fuck is a food product on the cover of "Everyone Poops" along with three things like do poop?
  • stroups
    Apples make poop
  • se-alum
    Apples make poop
    Possibly my least favorite word in the english language.
  • Heretic
    But the book is called "Everyone Poops". An apple isn't an everyone, it's an everything. It'd be one thing if the book was called "Everything Poops" and had an apple on it (to educate us that apples do poop, which would result in an entertaining read), but that isn't the case.

    I call fraud.
  • zambrown
    OMG, I can't believe this thread - although I confess I did laugh at the original post. I love the Freehuddle!
  • dancinbear
    Do you guys sit or stand while whiping?

    I'll explain later...
  • capninsano
    Stand of course
  • Glory Days
    a little of both, i put one leg up on the wall while using my non wiping hand to brace myself.... oh wait uhhhh nevermind.
  • Cleveland Buck
  • Cleveland Buck
  • dwccrew
    stroups wrote: Apples make poop
    Oh my God he called the Shit, poop! LOLZ