
2012, the movie.

  • visionquest
    I saw this the other day and really enjoyed it. I love the conspiracies surrounding that magical date of Dec. 21, 2012 when the Mayan calendar supposedly ends.

    However, if you like big special effects and a really over-the-top topic, this flick is pretty good for that. And, Woody Harrelson is really funny as a nomad living in the woods broadcasting his radio messages.

    So, I would ask, do you have any personal theories about the year 2012? Will we perish, or is it just hype like Y2K was? I'm curious as to people's thoughts on the subject.
  • Thunder70
    I like the movie too. The middle was a bit depressing though...
  • gorocks99

    The Mayan calendar doesn't "end" in 2012, it just starts a new era. But, to hedge my bets, I'm gonna rack up as much debt as I can before December of 2012 just so I can live the life before I potentially perish in a world-ending event.
  • visionquest
    Haha, that's what I like to hear gorocks99. And, I agree for the most part. I've heard many times the theory that the ending of the calendar does not symbolize and end per se, but a rebirth of some kind. I guess some have taken that to mean by rebirth, it means, it will all be washed away first.
  • GoChiefs
    Simply hype..just like Y2K. I don't buy into it one bit.
  • Hamp89
    just like Y2K..i'm not worried at all
  • Nate
    The Mayan calendar ends on that day just like our calendar ends on December 31st ever year. It's just the end of the calendar.
  • jmog
    The date itself is a farce. However, I love Mayan history, I love conspiracy theories and "secret societies" like the Freemasons and the Templars, etc. So I was really interested in this movie 2012.

    I was sorely disappointed in the story line. They mention the Mayns for like 30 seconds in a 2 hour movie that is supposed to be based around their "prophecies" and dates. They really screwed the pooch on the backstory.

    The special effects and the "today's" storyline worked well in my opinion.
  • MrMcCluskie
    Not much you can do about it if it were true. There have been many, many dates predicted before of when the world will end.
  • KnightXC1
    Movie was alright. Nothing special at all but not terrible by any means.