
Veteran's Day "Thank You" thread

  • Gobuckeyes1
    I want to dedicate this thread to thanking those individuals who have served our country. It is because of you that we live in the greatest country in the world.

    Thank you for your dedication to the cause of freedom and the willingness to defend it. Thank you for your sacrifices that enable us to live the lives we do today.

    I hope everyone takes the opportunity to personally thank a Veteran today.

    God Bless you all.
  • Trueblue23
    I have two friends at AIT at Ft. Leonard Wood right now. They are both in the Army Reserves and I have known them both for a VERY long time. My hat is off to them and all veterans
  • ss7
    Thank you to all the veterans and to the people currently serving. You are responsible for all that this great country is. I never take my freedom for granted. God bless America.
  • CenterBHSFan
    I'll throw in my thanks to the veterans of America right now.
    I've currently got 4 members of my family overseas right now. And too many veterans altogether to mention.

    Thank you for your service!
  • coyotes22
  • zambrown
    Thank you to all of you who serve or have served. My father was Air Force in the Korean war and my husbands grandfathers both served in WWII. After seeing Saving Private Ryan, I can't imagine the balls it takes to face combat day after day. To all the members of the armed forces, you have my utmost respect and admiration for your courage. Thank you.
  • captvern
    Thanks to all who have served
  • Fab1b
    I want to thank those who served before, with, and after me! Thank you proud Americans for the freedoms you protect! This is the greatest nation in the world and boasts the bravest men and women in uniform in the world!
  • KevinJr
    Thank you to the veterans who have served and protected this country. Your sacrifice and dedication is the reason we live in this great country.
  • darbypitcher22
    Thanks Veterans for keeping us safe and sound and free.
  • justincredible
    A HUGE Thank You to all of those who have served in our Armed Forces!
  • Go_Fast_Sports
    You're VERY welcome! and thanks to all my friends and family and everyone else who has served!
  • killer_ewok
    Thank You!
  • ohiotiger33
    Thank you everyone that has served!
  • QuakerOats
    Thank you to all who served and are serving!!!

    All gave some / Some gave all
  • Fab4Runner
    Thank you!! On a personal note...thank you to my Dad and big brother Seth for keeping us all safe and free.
  • v_falcons
    thanks veterans!
  • believer
    As a vet I will say thank you to you all and I want to to say a big oooo rah to those serving now especially the guys taking heat in Afghanistan. You guys rock.