
Jed's: Anyone like to eat there?

  • oberhaus
    I LOVE JEDS......unfortunatly my wife doesnt. I like the wings and the the Irish Burger (reuben on a burger)

    There are many Jeds in the toledo area....Perrysburg, Maumee (old Chi Chi's on Reynolds/Conant), Bryne/Door, Detroit/Telegraph near Laskey...cant think of the others right now...Findlay has one too by Cheddar's
  • slingshot4ever
    I love their spudsters....little deep fried nuggets of mashed potatoes with sour cream dipping sauce.
  • rocketalum
    I know this is a Jed's thread but the mention of Doc Watson does make me nostalgic but I'm always hesitant to visit whenever I'm back in Toledo. I went to Jake's Saloon once since graduation in '05 and felt old and horribly out of place. As for Jeds, freak balls are my favorite. They also have a shot called dirty bong water that I was once quite fond of.
  • Nate
    Doc Watsons is an older crowd a lot of nights. You should be fine.
  • Fab4Runner
    I feel it's impossible to feel out of place at Doc's.
  • dancinbear
    I like the Freakballs, their burgers, the Vitale, and the jeds original gyro
  • Sonofanump
    Son- Thunder
    wife of Son- Freak
  • rentilrebo
    They just recently opened one in Columbus at Crosswoods at 23 and 270.

    I loved this place in college at BG and was pretty happy when they opened the one in Columbus. I usually get the Double Bacon Cheeseballs or the Hangover balls.
  • sportswizuhrd
    There is a few Jed's in Toledo too. Only one I went to I had some good food but cant remember what it was. I was completly wasted that night. was the same night of chasing the raccoon in a parking lot, haha. Doc's was packed the one night I went and they didnt have the Cavs game so I didnt sit down, just walked out and havent been back since. Big fan of Fricker's and their Frickin Chicken Chunks.
  • Swamp Fox
    We have a lot of sports bar- sandwich places where I live and Jed's happens to be one of them. It's ok but I never really thought it was all that much better than some of the other places and it certainly is a little on the pricey side. I still favor my neighborhood sports place for an enjoyable afternoon or evening of conversation and supporting my favorite teams. I sometimes will go to Jed's with friends until my regular spot opens and we walk a short distance and settle in for the afternoon or evening.