
Anyone else playing 1 vs 100 on Xbox live?

  • Free_is_better
    what is it? i've seen it but never clicked on it. I just stick to cod4
  • Nate
    I've played before. Wonder if anyone actually ever wins anything. I don't like the setup at all. It should be a true 1 vs 100
    you can win by either being a top 3 I think and then the other way is to be in the mob or the 1.
  • ts1227
    I have, but every time I do I'm bored with it in about 10 minutes.
  • Nate
    I agree. I get bored with it extremely fast. Seems like it takes forever.
  • Crew Love
    I haven't gotten on my XBOX 360 in probably 4 months or so, nevertheless Live, so I might be a little out of the loop.

    Is this something you have to buy, or is it free to play?
  • Nate
    Free to play.
  • Dog99
    I play sometimes. It goes a little faster in the new season.