
Prayers please!

  • Swamp Fox
    Parents are always concerned about their kids. My wife and I don't have any kids at home anymore and haven't had in years, but we remember how traumatic surgeries and such can be. Our prayers and good wishes are with you and yours during this anxious time.
  • Darkon
    Good luck to the little man. Hope all goes well!
  • cats gone wild
    Prayers sent, there is nothing too small to ask for prayer for.
  • Scarlet_Buckeye
    Hoping all goes well. Prayers sent.
  • Hesston
    thoughts and prayers
  • coyotes22
    Just got home with my little dude. All went good. He went to surgery at 9am, and was out by 9:40am. Was in recovery, till 1:40pm. And now we are home.

    When he first came out of surgery, and we went back to see him, mom got a little worried. He was crying and said he could not breath. But, it was just because of how his throat was feeling. I calmed him down, and they moved him to another room. There, he had two Popsicles, some apple juice, tried to eat their jell-o(orange), even I thought it was NASTY!!! And drank some gatorade. He slept for about an hour or two while we were in recovery.

    Now we are home, sitting on the couch watching movies, and mom is getting the prescriptions. I think it will be a long couple of weeks, as he is a stubborn one!! LOL. we cant get him to drink, he is afraid that he will not be able to swallow it. But we are trying to tell him that he needs to drink to keep his throat moist.

    Thank You ALL for the prayers!!!!!!! My nerves were pretty racked, till they came out and said that he was fine. Thanks again!!!!!!!

  • GoChiefs
    Glad to hear all went well Coyote!
  • coyotes22
    gochiefs wrote: Glad to hear all went well Coyote!
    Thank you, gochiefs!!
  • coyotes22
    Went for a check up visit yesterday, Doc said he is 90% healed. Tubes look great. Did a hearing test while in the office, passed 100%!!!!! Throat should be 100% by next week. Thanks to all who said a little prayer.
  • GoChiefs
    Good to hear man.
  • coyotes22
    Thanks. Now, he has no excuses of not hearing us!!!!! :D
  • GoChiefs
    Until his tubes fall out!!! I had them put in 6 times when I was younger..they just kept falling out!
  • coyotes22
    These tubes are supposed to fall out.
  • GoChiefs were mine..but not after only 3 weeks.