Free movie screenings in Columbus, OH
imex99If you sign up, you get FREE early movie screenings to movies before they come out.
No strings attached, I've seen multiple movies for free at Easton, Lennox and Crossroads. I check the website everyday and they send you emails when passes are available.
Just wanted to pass along the information, I'm seeing Ninja assassin free Monday night.
Ninja Assassin code: FMT2LNJ -
imex99Seen up in the air last week for a screening.
Going to see Sherlock Holmes tonight. -
justincredibleSherlock Holmes is the only one available in Cincinnati but I am not sure how to get a RSVP code for it.
justincredibleWell, I found a code but all of the tickets were gone.
imex99yeah, once you start receiving codes its pretty cool. At Lennox on OSU campus and being shown on imax and its FREE.
sometimes if you click on sponsering links below movie screening, I can enter to get in ticket drawing. I almos always get selected.