
Doin' the Tequila Tag Shuffle...

  • Cat Food Flambe'
    :D Ok - How much trouble is this guy in???

    I work in a large, multi-story office building, surrounded by parking lots on four sides. The lot between our building and the highway is little used, as the main entrances are the sides and rear of the building. There is landscaping on two sides, and a vacant shopping center on the third side - it's rather isolated with the exception of six stories worth of offices with floor-to-ceiling glass looking down on the parking lot. :rolleyes:

    About noon today, some guy in a suit and tie pulls up in the front of the parking lot, where nobody parks. He proceeds to pull a tool kit out of the trunk of his sports car, remove the yellow-and-red drunk-driving plates affixed to the bumper, and replaces them with a standard set of Ohio plates. He then pulls around the corner of lot, parks behind a high-end bar, and strolls inside.

    Due to a couple of incidents involving smash-and-grabs, most of us watch the parking lots during the day - and my office quickly had a crowd watching this operation. I assume the same thing was going on in the other floors - because about fifteen minutes later the local police pull into the bar parking lot - obviously, someone dropped a dime on Mr. Handyman. The officer appeared to write down the plate and VIN number, went back to the squad car, and then went into the bar. About five minutes later, out walks the same guy and the officer - the latter observes while the form replaced the "party plates" on his car - in front of quite an audience. The driver was then handed a piece of paper - I assume it was some sort of citation, and not a "buy one get one free" coupon for happy hour.

    Would this be a simple citation, or is the guy in real trouble with the court?
  • stroups
    If he had party plates he was probably violating his probation by being in a bar. Since the officer didn't catch the guy driving I doubt he could give him a ticket for exceeding his privileges while driving.
  • Heretic
    I dunno, but that sounds like a fucking hilarious thing to be watching! I wish cool stuff like this happened out my window at work.
  • darbypitcher22
    maybe its the same guy who's always parked up here @ the Macadoo's on Walcutt....
  • Tiernan
    Bullshit has been called! My bro-in-law in Seattle told me the same story last Christmas.
  • darbypitcher22
    I'm sure its happened on more than one occasion
  • fortfan
    Why wouldn't he just put the regular tags on at home and keep them on?
  • Cat Food Flambe'
    Tiernan - nope. Actually happened - and I suspect it happens a lot.

    Fortfan - we think the guy was on restricted driving - to and from work only. If the local cops see the party plates in the parking lot of a bar, they're naturally gonna check it out. Either that, or he didn't want clients or business associates seeing the tags.

    DarbyPitcher - I am NOT at MacaDoos ALL the time!
  • darbypitcher22

    I didn't say it was you.

    All I'm saying is there's a guy who hs the same party plates you previously mentioned that seems to be in there a ton
  • Cat Food Flambe'
    I gotta check this out - we're out of beer anyhow... :)