
Do you regret not joining the military?

  • power i
    My oldest son is looking to join the Army Reserves. He started at ODU last fall and was playing baseball. Messed up his shoulder and had to have surgery (for the 2nd time) so baseball is out the door for now. It's like he's lost. He's the one who came up with the idea of the Reserves. I think it would be great for him. It makes me sad to think about him being away from home, but he's one of those kids who needs structure and disipline. I'd be very proud to call my son a soldier.
  • Glory Days
    Tiger2003 wrote: The hell with all OFFICERS!!!! They think they are the shit and take all the credit, for everything us Grunts do....You can all take your Bachelors Degree and shove it up your ass...Only officer I liked are what us Marine Grunts call "A Mustang"...Pryor enlisted....The reason I say so is because they were with us one day while we were kicking in doors in Iraq and Afghan. Unlike like your bitch ass officer who is hiding in the Hum-V hoping his boys see combat so he can take credit and wear the Combat Action Ribbon..
    hahahahaha i love it, keep the stereotypes coming. i'll make sure there is some coffee on. isnt that what we also do?
  • Tiger2003
    There is no stereotype there. That is the truth....I love it when boot Lt. who just graduated college and OCS come to the unit and think they know it all...Officers know shit, until you experience it. You guys do make some really good coffee...
  • Glory Days
    haha no, there is a stereotype, just like there are stereotypes for the enlisted side. i have seen it. we had a few ass clowns like that and they werent even from west point. you dont really know me, so i am not going to try and convince you otherwise. oh and i dont drink coffee...
  • Tiger2003
    Yah Yah Yah