
Saturday Night Live Census Taker Sketches

  • sherm03
    Which one did you like better?

    Christopher Walken from 2000


    Betty White from 2010

    I liked the Walken sketch better.
  • Al Capone
    I thought Betty White really screwed the show up last night and was completely out of her element. After about 10 minutes, I turned it off. Hopefully they learned a lesson.
  • coyotes22
    Walken is the best
  • sherm03
    Al Capone wrote: I thought Betty White really screwed the show up last night and was completely out of her element. After about 10 minutes, I turned it off. Hopefully they learned a lesson.
    I disagree. The opening sketch wasn't funny...and her monologue wasn't very funny (it had a few moments, but overall...not that great). But after that she was friggin' hilarious! It was probably one of the better SNL episodes in a long time.
  • se-alum
    Walken's was much better.
  • 2quik4u
  • derek bomar
    the digital short was awesome with her putting on the ski mask...i almost pissed my pants
  • Drums of War
    I am a big fan of her Dusty Muffin. Much better than Schwetty Balls.
  • brutus161
    sherm03 wrote:
    Al Capone wrote: I thought Betty White really screwed the show up last night and was completely out of her element. After about 10 minutes, I turned it off. Hopefully they learned a lesson.
    I disagree. The opening sketch wasn't funny...and her monologue wasn't very funny (it had a few moments, but overall...not that great). But after that she was friggin' hilarious! It was probably one of the better SNL episodes in a long time.
    I agree with Sherm 100%. It was one of the funniest episodes I have seen in a long time. I can't remember the last time I kept watching after weekend update.
  • krambman
    The second link no longer works. It was taken off of YouTube for copyright reasons. Might want to find the clip on Hulu or NBC's website and post it.
  • Bigred1995
    krambman wrote: The second link no longer works. It was taken off of YouTube for copyright reasons. Might want to find the clip on Hulu or NBC's website and post it.
    Betty white Clip

    I thought they both were actually pretty good, but as far as better, I have to go with Walken's
  • sherm03
    krambman wrote: The second link no longer works. It was taken off of YouTube for copyright reasons. Might want to find the clip on Hulu or NBC's website and post it.
    Thanks. I got them both on Hulu and was able to embed them now to make it easier.
  • Heretic
    And cause one of those massive front page gaps to appear. SMH...

  • jordo212000
    Betty White's census skit wasn't funny at all.
  • Chesapeake
    Somebody fix this here shit before I apply for a Moderator job.
  • Chesapeake
    jordo212000 wrote: Betty White's census skit wasn't funny at all.
    Yes it was ya anti-laughing fuck!

    Name somebody else that old that is funnier.

    Don't blame your frustration with life on Betty White.
  • Keith
    Betty White was AWESOME!