Times Square evacuated...again
BCBulldogTimes Square has been evacuated after a suspicious package was found near 45th street, a New York Police Department official said.
http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2010/05/07/times-square-evacuated-after-suspicious-package-found/?hpt=T1&iref=BN1 -
BigAppleBuckeyeSadly, there are many evacuations all over the city on a weekly basis, but this is getting publicity only because of what happened last weekend. I take the subway into Grand Central every day, and many times trains and parts of the station are taped off to search suspicious packages. To the city's credit, they have really stressed the motto "if you see something, say something." I once reported a mysterious package under a bench. Turned out to be nothing, but you just never know.
BCBulldogI didn't realize that there were so many incidents like this in NY city. It's good to know that so many New Yorkers are aware and concerned enough to report this.
BR1986FBNot really funny (although we got a chuckle out of it), but one of our sales guys took the day off and is actually in that exact area today. My boss joked "I hope he isn't wearing a company t-shirt."