

  • Nate
    Con_Alma wrote: I think we have similar sentiments in that I respect your position but we clearly disagree with each other.

    As a response to your clarification I never suggested nor implied that a non-invited significant other of a friend might be upset. Being upset or not isn't what I would consider being the issue. Respecting the friends status as a couple and the importance of that to you as a friend is.

    I never suggested the date was "random" but rather I specifically addressed the scenario a significant other that you simply didn't know as opposed to a random date. I think Websurf addressed that earlier and the more I think about it we may not be as far off idealistically as it may seem.

    Finances are not the issue but rather how you determine what constitutes an invitee. You simply count the invitation as two or zero. If there is not an ability to fund the number of desired attendees you don't invite them...either of them.

    In addition, the gift amount should never, ever been considered nor confused with whether or not to invite a significant other or not. Guest invitations are made because there is a desire to have those respective folks present to share in and celebrate this day of union. There is a cost to having guests. They are not buying a service of entertainment.

    Gifts are offered as a heartfelt, congratulatory symbol and shouldn't be expected but rather appreciated humbly when received. These two are very different things and have nothing to do with each other.

    My financial situation has nothing to do with my opinion or approach. Although I feel very blessed to be in the situation I am in, were I to have more money or substantially less the opinion of inviting both or neither wouldn't change. If I had significantly less ability to fund a wedding than I do the respective couple would simply not be on our invitation list...neither of them.

    I have heard that planning for weddings can be stressful. I hope that any strife that may emerge during the planning process completely vanishes come your wedding day. You'll make the decisions that are right for the two of you and in the end that's all that really matters. It is thought provoking when these topics arise and I'm glad you shared your situation and made me think about where I might stand on such an issue.
  • Con_Alma
    "...In a perfect world, I would LOVE to invite as many people as possible. ..."

    I truly believe that.


    Cool date!!
  • Websurfinbird
    BORIStheCrusher wrote:
    Websurfinbird wrote: On another note for those who insist on bringing dates. How much do you give as a wedding gift? It better be good ...
    What do you think the hooker is for? It's so the groom can get a bj in the back room.
    See now THAT is a good gift.

    So in retrospect a hooker is better than some random girl.

    Ok hookers are in at my wedding.
  • Little Danny
    I hear Lawrence Taylor may know a few names... watch out though, some of them are still pretty young.