
For OSU Students, re: new Library

  • CinciX12
    cbus4life wrote: Haha, this is sorta discouraging, frustrating that a new library doesn't seem to be adequately serving the needs of the students in regards to study space. I wonder what kind of input they took from the student-body while in the design phase.
    Thats true, but I also think everyone knows what they are getting into when they go to a school with 40,000 undergrads possibly wanting to use the building anytime they want.

    Now when I can't find somewhere to study in the library at X with only 4,000 undergrads, I get beyond pissed because I pay a hell of a lot more money and there are less people to fight with over a spot. We are finishing a library that will be roughly half the size of OSU's, which leads me to believe that OSU needs one incredibly larger.
  • krazie45
    Well the thing is that Thompson is the most popular library because it's the nicest. OSU actually has a few libraries spread out around campus and makes sure that none of the libraries get too crowded. However when they make dumb decisions (Like closing Sullivant and the business library), that leads to overcrowding. Thompson has plenty of places to study but everyone wants to go there. It's all about when you get there.
  • CinciX12
    Do you think its just crowded because its new then and the interest in it will wear out?
  • cbus4life
    Are they going to reopen the business library? I seem to recall someone telling me that the closing was only temporary, but maybe not...
  • sleeper
    It's actually still open, but its just a study space. All the books got moved to Thompson and the top floor of the business library is being used for offices.