
Prayer for my wife and I

  • O-Trap
    My company has decided that they are changing their business model, and that my position is being eliminated. I was 80% of our household income, and I loved what I did. I don't know what we're going to do, or how we're going to make it, but I know we will.

    I have a feeling we're going to lose our house, though. I don't know what to do. It makes you feel so helpless.

    In case anyone reads this and is looking for an email JV manager in the biz-opp niche, I'm available, and I come cheap relatively speaking.
  • darbypitcher22
    that sthinks man. I have a good feeling though that you'll land on your feet soon, or at least I hope. Good Luck.
  • Nate
    I was laid off in April with a baby due in September. Luckily, I blasted my resume out anywhere hiring my degree within an hour drive. Found someone within weeks. Love the new place 100x better than the old. Keep your head up and pound out the resume.
  • Society
    Wow...I remember when you were saying on jjhuddle that you were not worried about losing your job back when your company was doing some position eliminating.

    Good luck.
  • ptown_trojans_1
    Wow, that blows. I'm sorry buddy. Best of luck. Hopefully, this negative news turns into something positive soon.
  • QuakerOats
    Thoughts and prayers for strength and perseverence; there's a reason for everything; hang tough.
  • power i
    That sucks. :( Did they give you any notice or are you done now? Don't project about your house, who knows what could happen. I would contact your mortgage company and see what can be worked out until you find another job. They should be more than willing to work with you so you can keep your house. They surely don't want it back now.
  • Nate
    power i wrote: That sucks. :( Did they give you any notice or are you done now? Don't project about your house, who knows what could happen. I would contact your mortgage company and see what can be worked out until you find another job. They should be more than willing to work with you so you can keep your house. They surely don't want it back now.
    Exactly. I work at a credit union and they are more willing to work with people that warn the credit union about any payment problems rather than trying to work with people that are over 30 days late and didn't warn them.
  • Soda Popinski
    That is terrible news. Very sorry to hear about that. Really hope you find another situation that works out for you.
  • CenterBHSFan
    Otrap, couldn't they fit you in at another position, at least temporarily? You've got quite an excellent education that I'm sure alot of companies will be eager to make use of, so I'm sure you won't be bumming too long!
    Good luck :)
  • Fab1b
    Man that is terrible news, I certainly hope all ends up well and something else comes along bigger and better bro!
  • FatHobbit
    That stinks. Good luck. I'm sure you'll land on your feet.
  • fan_from_texas
    Very sorry to hear this. You'll be in our prayers. Best of luck tracking something down--keep your head up, and try not to get discouraged.
  • ss7
    Sorry to hear that man. Try to stay positive. You'll find something else.
  • se-alum
    Sorry to hear that O-Trap! Best thing to do is turn right around and start mass applying for jobs. I know to many people that felt sorry for themselves, fell into a rut, and haven't been able to get out. There are jobs out there, if you're willing to do the work. They might not be glorious or high salary positions, but they can help you keep your head above water till something better comes along!!
  • BigAppleBuckeye
    Otrap, I am really sorry to hear that. Where do you live again? I have some relationships with email companies and marketers who utilize email campaigns, shoot me a PM. Not sure if I can help, but I can see what I can find for you.
  • newarkcatholicfan
    I will pray that things work out for you and your family.
  • Heretic
    That really stinks. Do what you gotta do to get back out there, like se-alum said.
  • Con_Alma
    Stay positive about your skill set and the potential value it can bring to employers. I know I'll be reading a thread of yours soon that celebrates a new position.

    Best of luck.
  • j_crazy
    sucks bro, wish i could help but i didn't even understand what you're job is when you were asking if anyone could help.
  • se-alum
    Don't know if this will help, but rocketalum might be worth contacting. I don't know where you live.
  • rock_knutne
    O-Trap wrote:I have a feeling we're going to lose our house, though. I don't know what to do. It makes you feel so helpless.
    Sorry to hear about your misfortunes and I hope things work out for you. I'll keep you in my prayers.

    As for your home, I work in the mortgage industry. Call your mortgage company/bank and talk to them about your situation. Trust me, they do not want to foreclose on your house, they have many programs in place to help people who have lost their jobs or have fell behind. Believe me when I tell you, you're not alone, I receive a lot of calls from present and past customers in the same situation as you and they all have received assistance.
  • Belly35
    O-Trap wrote: My company has decided that they are changing their business model, and that my position is being eliminated. I was 80% of our household income, and I loved what I did. I don't know what we're going to do, or how we're going to make it, but I know we will.

    I have a feeling we're going to lose our house, though. I don't know what to do. It makes you feel so helpless.

    In case anyone reads this and is looking for an email JV manager in the biz-opp niche, I'm available, and I come cheap relatively speaking.

    First let not get down stay positive and confident:
    You'll get vaction and unemployment so you will have a income.

    Contact the banks and morgage companies and see if you can just pay the minum for a few months.....they will work if you are willing to stay positive.

    Cut out those thing not needed .....cable, extra channels, lower your heating bill and electric, cut out the phone land line thing like that.

    O-trap you have time to re group.

    I have done this with a family member and nothing was lost and they are better now than before.......takes time and effort and creatativity.

    What can you do on your own ....skill or special interest create your own employment.

    Example: This guy came the office out of work. Ask if anyone needed their care detailed. He had his car and showed what he could do. The car was wonderful. How much $50.00 cash how long 2 hours where ( his house) he would leave his car and idenification and driver id..
    Take your car and bring it back. Crazy but I did it
    Wonderful job everything was great tires, inside, outside great job.
    That day he did my car and two others .....$150.00 that day
    Next day he did two SUV $70.00 each $140.00
    This guy has done that I know 3 or 4 other business in our area....

    Collecting unemployment and extra cash ....wrong Ok but a working making a differents for himself to keep living and building a business .

    Be creative in looking for a job apply for things that are not in your area but could be close or you think you could do
    Gray matter is important...

    go back to basics, simplify your living and biuld up from there....

    You'll be OK
  • Footwedge
    Otrap....You have mail.
  • Con_Alma
    "...go back to basics, simplify your living and build up from there...."

    From what I've seen a lot of people should consider this for many reasons...even those that are employed.