H1N1 plus Pneumonia=Worst combo ever.
gorocks99It sucks worse than anything has ever sucked before.
darbypitcher22that sucks dude.
tcby99I have heard of a few people having these combined...boy can they be deadly.
derek bomarI've had the flu and pneumonia before at the same time, and man...I agree, it fucking sucks. Good luck and rest up
McFly1955Hope you feel better --- I was out a couple weeks ago....
My sister in law is a PA and thought I had H1N1, but I didn't bother going to the docs because they wouldn't do anything anyways....missed some work for a few days, which is odd for me as I generally use 1-2 sick days per year... -
gorocks99Right, I wasn't gonna go to the doc either but when my cough was a little off and my fever was hanging around I figured it might be something worse than flu. Turns out I was right.
OneBuckeyeWell at least you aren't at work and freehuddle.com isn't blocked.
KeithPneumonia runs in my family as both grandmothers and my mother died from it. Because of that my doc recommends the pnemonia vaccine. I just got it updated last week. It's good for five years.
Thunder70Dang. That does suck.
j_crazymy baby has been sick since yesterday. taking her to the DR. now... hope it's not this bad.
get well gorocks. you always have the best pictures and gif responses to jackassery. -
rock_knutneMy wife had the same thing, brutal to say the least.
allstargorocks, did it develop into pneumonia, or do you literally have both at the same time?
gorocks99Well my fever started Monday for the flu, and my pneumonia started Wednesday ... so I think it developed, but there was definitely some overlap.
dcrocksYou'd better be better by the time you come out for Thanksgiving!
HitsRus"My sister in law is a PA and thought I had H1N1, but I didn't bother going to the docs because they wouldn't do anything anyways."
Actually, if it is the flu, tamiflu or some other antiflu meds can lessen the severity of the symptoms.
Lung involvement with the any flu is a serious complication, and can take you very quickly. If you have ANY difficulty breathing get to the ER. -
allstarI had pneumonia, and they think it developed from swine flu. I was in the hospital for quite a while.
zambrownGoRocks, I'm glad you're feeling better. That sounds terrible!
Trueblue23How the hell are you still alive?!?!?
GeneralsIcer89I have a feeling I may have the same thing, but I've not yet been to a doctor (can't afford health insurance). It sucks, badly.
HitsRusGeneralsIcer89 wrote: I have a feeling I may have the same thing, but I've not yet been to a doctor (can't afford health insurance). It sucks, badly.
Now I suppose we have our stupid Democrat leadership to thank for this. People have the perception that because they don't have insurance, that health care isn't worth spending money on. Somebody else should have to pay for us getting sick....the insurance company, the government/taxpayers....etc. Just don't take the money out of your own pocket. If you need something, you should pay for it. Nobody gives you your housing for free....nobody gives you free food. If you blow out a sidewall on your car's tire, you pay to fix it. If you break a window in you house, you pay to fix it.
But with healthcare...'I don't have insurance' so i'm not gonna go to the doctor.