
Some pro athletes are decent's one.

  • bartsimpson,237745

    Not sure I could say I'd do that...especially only a couple hours after getting knocked out of the playoffs......
  • sleeper
  • darbypitcher22
    great for him.
  • jmog
    Good for him.
  • sonofsam
    As much as i hate the Caps, That guy deserves respect.
  • Speedofsand
    that is great. he will really be a fan favorite now.
  • OUgrad
    Pure class!
  • End of Line
    Read about this yesterday, pure class.
  • zambrown
    Awesome! Many people in his position would be too busy pounding them down for the upcoming DUI getting home, but he's probably ruining an expensive suit changing a woman's tire. Outstanding.
  • justincredible
    Damn, that is pretty freakin' cool.
  • Red_Skin_Pride
    Yep very awesome! Just when you think you never hear anything good about athletes for the most part, you hear something like this and it restores a little bit of faith (for me at least) in mankind again.
  • tk421
    Why couldn't they change their own tire? :P I'm not really kidding. Why would anyone go out in a car without knowing how to change a tire?
  • bwcomet89
    Props to him. You hear a few stories about pro athletes doing goo things for their fans, their alum, or just any person on the street. It's just unfortunate that when an athlete does something bad the media decides to exert all of their time into that, and the good deeds are often left unnoticed.
    Nice story to hear. Sounds like the kind of guy you want on your team.