
College baseball video very cool

  • martyirish
    This is cool
    check out this video

    Superman leap makes Fordham player a viral video hit - Big League Stew - MLB,235668
  • SQ_Crazies
    Very cool indeed.

    Would be completely blown away if there isn't a thread on this around here somewhere already.
  • martyirish
    I looked but didn't find it
  • SQ_Crazies
    Maybe it isn't out there, if not, I'm blown away. lol
  • El Jefe Grande
    Willie Mays Hayes
  • GOONx19
    SQ_Crazies wrote: Very cool indeed.

    Would be completely blown away if there isn't a thread on this around here somewhere already.
    Someone put it on the pro forum, so you can't blame him. They aren't pros.
  • darbypitcher22
    Here's a better one... some great time spent during a long rain delay...

  • CinciX12
    Stupid ass Fordham.
  • Red_Skin_Pride
    darbypitcher22 wrote: Here's a better one... some great time spent during a long rain delay...

    yeah I watched that one too and liked it even better. Wish you could see more of that in all kinds of college sports now adays.
  • darbypitcher22
    another one....

  • mucalum49
    darbypitcher22 wrote: another one....

    Spent a weekend at FIU last spring when a buddy was working there and their team does this every game. The one player in the video Bermudez is going to make a pro team very happy someday.

  • darbypitcher22

    Ok that's a little lame, but I mean, I get the idea and all....
  • coyotes22
    I thought this was pretty cool.

    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
  • darbypitcher22

    we have a guy on our team that can do that... not with quite the velo on the bat flip that he has but its still pretty cool.

    This was a good one between UConn and South Florida during the Big East Tournament...

    And then this may have been quite possibly the greatest piece of acting followed by the greatest ejection I've seen in a college game...