
Leasing a new car

  • capninsano
    This isn't a buy vs lease debate. I just want to know when I go to the dealership, do I let the salesman know right away that I'm looking to lease a car? Or should I try to negotiate down the price and then tell them? Also anything else I should know would be helpful since this is my first time. I've done a lot of research so this is the only question I have at the moment.
  • I Wear Pants
    capninsano wrote: This isn't a buy vs lease debate. I just want to know when I go to the dealership, do I let the salesman know right away that I'm looking to lease a car? Or should I try to negotiate down the price and then tell them? Also anything else I should know would be helpful since this is my first time. I've done a lot of research so this is the only question I have at the moment.
    Wear a rubber.
  • raiderbuck
    Tell them you haven't decided on what to do
  • capninsano
    I found a pretty good article online that answered my question. iwp.....rubbers are overrated
  • dave
    tell them you are considering a lease but don't tell them you are ready to do it. don't tell them you are undecided between lease/buy because they will try everything to get you to buy.
  • killdeer
    bring two rubbers. and some lube.
  • SQ_Crazies
    There is no exact science on to it. It depends on the salesman and the conditions under which he is working. Just go in and tell them what you want, low ball them and negotiate from there. Depending on what kind of car you're trying to get (you didn't specify) you should be able to get a pretty cheap lease.
  • killdeer
    ^^^like he better bring some lube.
  • chicago510
    always negotiate the price of the car not the monthly payment regardless of buy/lease
  • jpake1
    Discuss that cars in depth. Make sure you get your interests across more so than you do your position. Odds are, the salesman will be a bad listening and will only pay attention to your position, and you can mention that to him/her. If you don't like their initial response, and you won't, it doesn't hurt to just leave their place, but do it in a matter that shows you aren't real pissed. Be nonchallant about it. However, make sure you get this guys schedule before you start that. Come back a few days later when you know he's working and start it all over.

    That strategy worked VERY WELL for me in my senior seminar class for Negotiation. We had to target car dealerships with our graduate assistants (posing at either gf/bf). Salesmen will eat you up, it's their job. They want it NOW. When you make them sweat, and let it be known they're the reason you're going elsewhere.. that's when they begin to sweat and will come down.

    But hey, use your own strategy. Just don't be a sucker.
  • sonofsam
    Go in there acting like you are going to buy the car... Lease payments are almost always cheaper... Keep the pressure up and decline the payments. They will offer the less expensive lease.
  • jpake1
    It never hurts to have a nice pair of tits with you. Those things can do waaaay more than words can.
  • sonofsam
    jpake1 wrote: It never hurts to have a nice pair of tits with you. Those things can do waaaay more than words can.