
Ok guys, a serious question...

  • ZombieKiller
    Pick6 wrote: neither.
    like the sausage, eh?
  • NNN
    UA5straightin2008 wrote: you cant see a face in the dark, but you can feel rolls in the dark
    If the lights are on, do you want this looking back at you?

  • jpake1
    You can put a bag over a face and fuck it. It's hard to put a sleeping bag over a body and fuck it. I'm lazy, so let's go the Saints way and go with the bag.
  • rookie_j70
    Fab1b wrote: Ok there is a big difference in thick, or a little junk (which both would be considered to still be heavy) than FAT!!!!
    thats what i mean, i like 'em a little thick or with a little junk. but there is a fine line i do not cross. but it all depends on what the defenintion of
    "curvy" ot "thick" is to you.
  • j_crazy
    pretty face huge ass for me.
  • slcoach
    Give me the good body, ugly face. I'll put a flag over her face and bang her for glory.
  • FatHobbit
    I'll take the skinny chick every time.
  • Laley23
    Im shallow. Neither sounds good to me. Give me a rockin' body with a nice, pretty face.
  • thavoice
    Actually....if she has a pulse.....even a faint one...she is good enough...
  • thavoice
    enigmaax wrote: As always, beer scale:

    Pretty face, fat girl = 14 beers
    Ugly face, skinny girl = 3 beers

    Getting head from a fat chick is usually alright, they gotta do something to compensate. And I can close my eyes or flip over the ugly girl.
    ya know what......sperm has to be very fattening because the fatty's are the ones who are more than willing to do the deed..

    either that or ther are afraid you wont be able to find the wet spot.....
  • Apple
    Shouldn't the op had predicated the question with, "If you are hard up..." or, "When you're looking for a slumpbuster..."?
  • justcompete
    1) after how many beers?
    2) what does each of their roommates look like?
    3) how much money do they have?