
Incredible volcano photos

    that is justincredible.
    No seriously tho.. that is pretty cool.
  • cbus4life
    And the best name for a volcano ever.
  • CenterBHSFan
    Those are very awesome pictures.
  • Websurfinbird
    Amazing pictures. Great work by the photographers.
  • End of Line
    Insane pictures.
  • 3reppom

    That just became my new desktop
  • gerb131
    Those pictures are spectacular.
  • I Wear Pants
    The dude who filled in for Olbermann was awesome.

    He said the name of the volcano very slowly once and then from then on referred to it as "the unpronounceable volcano".
  • dwccrew
    Seriously, why the hell is that the name of the volcano? It looks like they just used a keyboard and typed like this, "I'll now name this volcano, ihofuihewfiuewufibwaligb." Stupid name.
  • se-alum
    Pretty amazing.....
  • sleeper
    dwccrew wrote: Seriously, why the hell is that the name of the volcano? It looks like they just used a keyboard and typed like this, "I'll now name this volcano, ihofuihewfiuewufibwaligb." Stupid name.
    In Icelandic, it means "a whales vagina"
  • ts1227
    dwccrew wrote: Seriously, why the hell is that the name of the volcano? It looks like they just used a keyboard and typed like this, "I'll now name this volcano, ihofuihewfiuewufibwaligb." Stupid name.

    Names that accurately describe what the feature is in their country's native language are stupid? :P
    ...Icelandic for "Eyja-fjalla glacier" or "island-mountain glacier"
  • jpake1
    That looks like the Devil having an orgasm.
  • Con_Alma
    I heard it referred to as E15.
  • power i
  • zambrown
    Absolutely amazing photos!
  • jmog
    All of the lightning pictures are simply breath taking.