Ganglion Cyst Advice
jpake1I havn't been to the doctor yet, but I'm quite sure I have a ganlion cyst on my foot (must have dropped something on it or kicked it, don't remember how it happened). I've had it for a couple weeks now. It went away when I had a few days off, then after one day of work, it was back again. Anybody ever have one before? Did it go away on it's own, or did you need to get medical treatment/surgery? Thanks for any advice.
THE4RINGZSmash it with the family Bible.
I had one one my wrist a number years ago, it didn't really bother me too much so I just let it go, It finally went away after a year or so, and has never reappeared. -
tuskytuffguyIf it's a ganglion, there's 2 ways to get rid of it. Surgery, which will sideline ya for 6 weeks, or smack it with a ball-peen hammer and you'll be fine the next day.
UA5straightin2008haha i was gonna say hit it with a bible too haha
THE4RINGZIt has to be the family Bible or it doesn't work. My Grandma told me that.
I Wear PantsKill it with fire.
jpake1Ha, I think the Bible technique is a bit out dated now-a-days.
THE4RINGZBut it works.
HereticJab it with an icepick. See what happens. Let us know.