
What is the best job to get with an MBA?

  • golf4life2008
    I have my bachelors degree in Finance and my Masters in Business with a finance specialization. I currently work for a financial company but I'm not making any money because I'm 100% commission and its very difficult to make sales. What do I do? I need serious help!
  • dwccrew
    With all that education, do you really need to come on here and ask what the best kind of job with your qualifications is? It seems you would have had some sort of idea what that answer was prior to going and getting your MBA, at the very least.
  • thedynasty1998
    Where is your MBA from?
  • sleeper
    If he says University of Phoenix I'm going to lawl.
  • fan_from_texas
    The best job? Probably working at an i-bank. It's certainly the most lucrative. What schools did you attend and what was your GPA? Where have past alums gone? What does your career services say?
  • gorocks99
  • Con_Alma
    The best job in my opinion is to own your own small business.
  • jmog
    Sorry, but after a bachelors and a masters if you need to come to the huddle, I mean the chatter to find out whats "best" for you, thats not a good sign.
  • golf4life2008
    I got a 3.7 undergrad, 3.5 grad school from Toledo. I got a job working for a large financial firm but its 100% commission and I work with public school teachers in an area where there are cutbacks and people don't want to save money or invest. I don't know what to do!
  • sleeper
    golf4life2008 wrote: I got a 3.7 undergrad, 3.5 grad school from Toledo. I got a job working for a large financial firm but its 100% commission and I work with public school teachers in an area where there are cutbacks and people don't want to save money or invest. I don't know what to do!
    Find a new job? Problem solved.
  • derek bomar
    gtfo of your current job
  • golf4life2008
    I'm trying to... I'm trying to job search... but I'm wondering what to go into since i Hate my current job!
  • dlazz
    I find it highly unlikely that he has the qualifications he states due to his typing/obvious lack of motivation.
  • Con_Alma
    Don't "try" and job search. Go and job search.
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    Have you considered a bank accounting/reviewing program? It is more school but with an MBA finance concentration it could perhaps lead to a finance position at a bank holding company or a position with the regulators (which for some reason I see being one of the few growth industries in the next few years). It sounds to me you're working as a FA, even in good times that isn't always enjoyable, I can't imagine how difficult it is to get clients now.
  • Thunder70
    I'm calling bullshit...
  • darbypitcher22
    go into investment banking
  • Firad
    Sell dope
  • justincredible
    NFL Quarterback.
  • UA5straightin2008
    MLB Ump, they make 6 figures
  • queencitybuckeye
    Lie on your resume about your school attended, and get a BIG CASH MONEY job.
    Firad wrote: Sell dope
    Agreed. with an MBA u oughta be pretty good at countin them rocks.
    That's funny you say that UA, I have always said if I were going to do it all over again, I would become an MLB Umpire. I am not a baseball fan by any stretch of the imagination, but think that that would be a pretty cool job. Good money, travel, vacation, per diem, not as physically demanding as other sports as an offical.
    To answer the OP's question, IMO find an anaylsis job in the mortgage industry dealing with foreclosures.

    Short term (hopefully) problem facing this country, but one you could get in and ride for a few years and see where it leads you.
  • Fab1b
    Door to Door meat salesman