justincredible wrote:
I mean, sure, the world might end but it will have nothing to do with the Mayan calendar.
Everyone is freakin out over nothing. "HOLY SHIT! The mayan calender just suddenly ended, for NO REASON!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!"
Well here's what really happened.
Back in 1514 or 2000 BC or whatever, a bunch of Mayans were heading to work at the local calender factory. For years, all they did was scribble dates onto slate, years and months they would never see, some even as far as 4000 years away. One day, one mayan man, hating his life a little more than usual that day, said "FUCK THIS!". He then called in a bomb threat, causing mass chaos and rumors of a conspiracy. The calender factory shut down that day, never to be re-opened. The mayan men were then left to impregnate virgins and smoke mad blunts, all day long! VIVA LA RESISTANCE!