
What is WRONG with people!!!!!!

  • Scarlet_Buckeye seems like you can read one of these stories any day of the week!!!!!!!!!! I am sickened!!!
  • zambrown
    Like with the first story, 95 times out of a hundred, the abuser is.......

    Mom's new boyfriend/husband/live in/sugar daddy/pimp.

    I'll never understand how women can bring a man they barely know into the family home and expose their child to the influences involved. How many times do you hear about children who are brutally beaten and/or killed while mom was at work and it's always the new "boyfriend". The first time a male "friend" of mine so much as raised his hand to strike my child, it would be ON! This case is particularly sick, because she was there for at least part of it. She claims she was beaten as she tried to protect her child, but if that were true, either the police would have been there or the boyfriend would be in the hospital (or worse). The family members came over to "buy drugs". Nice. Mom is as culpable as the boyfriend in this one.
  • rookie_j70
    put both those dirtbags in with the general population and make them wear a sign that says "i abused and killed a young child" and see what happens to them
  • jmog
    Well you could tell in the 2nd case that the dad was messed up, he let his kid be named Xiah!

    Seriously though, I'm all for the death penalty, but in these cases life in prison without the possibility of parole is a more fitting sentence. As mentioned above they will get "rewarded" in jail for their actions.
  • Websurfinbird
    District Attorney Richard A. Brown says it's the ninth time in five months that a family member or babysitter has been accused of killing or severely injuring a child in Queens.
    Stuff like this makes me sad to call Queens my home.
  • GoChiefs
    Quite a shame it happens so often. Sadly, it happens a lot more than what is reported as well.
  • lhslep134
    rookie_j70 wrote: put both those dirtbags in with the general population and make them wear a sign that says "i abused and killed a young child" and see what happens to them
    Much more legitimate punishment than prison.
  • royal_k
    This is why we should allow torture in our legal system.