
Paying kids for good grades!

  • iclfan2
    The article is about the school paying for them, which would eventually have to be funded through taxes or something, so no thanks. That sad, I think if I got all A's my parents gave me $20 bucks.
  • tcarrier32
    my parents never gave me an allowance or anything of that nature. and when i was in high school i played three sports and didnt really have time for a job. so to help me out, my parents paid me for grades. If i got an A in a class they would give me ten bucks. anything below an A and i didnt get paid. it was mostly to help me get things that i wanted when my birthday or christmas were kinda far away. and it only happened in high school.
  • Timber
    I would expect the majority to be on the Not pay side of this... after all, is this not how our country and this site was formed:
    No taxation without representation
    No pay (any more) to chatter... lol

    Reach those gator arms in your pocket and give your child a little something... like Carl Spackler in Caddyshack:
    "Hey Lama... How about a little something, you know, for the effort... you know"
  • zambrown
    GoChiefs wrote: I don't have an issue with those that do pay..nothing wrong with that..that's their way of doing things. I never got paid though, and I definitely don't pay my son anything. I guess, in a way, I do. He knows if he gets bad grades, the Wii goes, the TV goes, he does nothing but schoolwork until his grades are back up to A's & B's. I only had to take something away from him once. He seemed to have learned his lesson from that.
    My son got a "C" once in 4th grade and he got to watch while his TV, Playstation and VCR were unplugged and put in our room for 9 weeks. If you got a "C", obviously there was too much time on the games and not enough on the books. And that's why he's only ever had one "C". ;-)