
Seeking immediate medical attention to avoid long-term injury

  • Chesapeake
    At what point would you throw the towel in and head to the hospital?
  • enigmaax
    When the liver stops working. Maybe.
  • I Wear Pants
    For what?
  • justincredible
    I just rub some dirt on it. 'Cause I'm a man.
  • Trueblue23
    Terrible thread.

    Impossible to answer without more details.
  • The Equalizer
    If this is for you, I say never, just roll the dice.

    If this is for someone else they probably ought to go.

    But you don't need to, cause ya know, those other people are just weak punk ass motherfuckers.
  • mattinctown
    justincredible wrote: I just rub some dirt on it. 'Cause I'm a man.
  • Chesapeake
    ccrunner609 wrote: isnt supposed to be 4 hours?
    That is the default level.
  • se-alum
    I typically just walk it off.
  • June18
    If I can't breathe, my chest is feeling tight, or my vision is starting to fade I'd probably give it some time to work itself out.

    If its a hangnail, bruise or sore throat I'd probably call 911.
  • tk421
    justincredible wrote: I just rub some dirt on it. 'Cause I'm a man.
    Dude, do you not know what commercials this is from? Dirt isn't exactly what I would be rubbing on it, if you know what I mean. Whatever floats your boat, I guess. :D:D:D
  • Chesapeake
    se-alum wrote: I typically just walk it off.
  • Heretic
    The way I look at things, doctors are for pussies and hypochondriacs. A real man KNOWS everything is okay and goes from there.
  • Timber
    When you can't sit on a bar stool... happened to me. Incredible stomach pain. Had tests run.. no longer a virgin (had a colonoscopy,) and was diagnosed with a very treatable condition. (Diet related)

    You are better safe than sorry... I was tremendously relieved to find out that I did not have a real serious issue.
  • Curly J
    I broke my collar bone at 1030 pm, but didn't got to the hospital until noon the next day. I thought it was just dislocated. It ended up being broken in 3 places. (The ER Doctor said I have a high tolerance for pain).

    I guess it depends on the situation on how long I'd wait to seek medical attention.
  • Apple
    If I'm going 4 hours, I'm calling people to brag.
  • LJ
    Heretic wrote: The way I look at things, doctors are for pussies and hypochondriacs. A real man KNOWS everything is okay and goes from there.
    If you don't know then nothing's wrong amirite?