Tennessee Mom Returns Adopted Child to Russia
Little DannyOk, single mom adopts russian boy. Six months later, single mom puts boy on a plane with a letter asking for Russia to take him back as he is a handful. What is wrong with people? Didn't this woman realize when she adopted this kid he was not a puppy or a goldfish??
http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0geu.er1MBLq.QAayZXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTBzMWx1OGtkBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA0g0NjVfNzc-/SIG=13fd657am/EXP=1271014955/**http%3a//www.timesfreepress.com/news/2010/apr/10/tennessee-mother-returns-adopted-kid-russia/ -
redstreak oneI agree
devil1197The kid was lighting shit on fire and wanted to kill people.
Little DannyNo excuse to drop the kid after just six months. A lot of people have problem children . What's more, there are a lot of social services in this country out there to help this woman. I have friends who have adopted overseas and there are a beavy of resources for people out there.
June18A lot better than some things she could have done....
June18I think it's safe to say all Russians are crazy. Look at the dude in Rocky.
bigkahunaThat's why you should adopt 'Merican!
SQ_CraziesBuy American.
HereticWell, did you see that "The Orphan" movie? She was east-Euro region, as I recall and she was really an insane dwarf!!!! How do you know this kid wasn't an insane dwarf who wouldn't stop killing until he was brought down? She did the only logical and sane thing!
rmolin73I'm sorry but i thought the same thing as you Heretic lol.