FOX cancels Sons of Tucson
It will burn off the remaining episodes on Sunday nights starting June 6th.|htmlws-main-n|dl2|link6| -
justincredibleThat's a shame. I kinda liked that show.
THE4RINGZHonestly I loved the first couple of episodes then it dropped off real quick
ohiotiger33This is the network that couldn't keep Arrested Development on the air, and it was absolutely amazing.
dwccrewIs this a shocker? Fox can't keep majority of their shows on the air.
ChesapeakeIs that guy related to Jack Black or what?
+10.ohiotiger33 wrote: This is the network that couldn't keep Arrested Development on the air, and it was absolutely amazing.
I just got Arrested Development off torrents. I have never seen a show so layered with humor. It's brilliant.
Fox is just happy NBC exists to make them look good. -
brutus161I said this would happen before the first episode even aired.
dancinbearBut Sons of Anarchy is still OK right?