30 Governors Receive Letters Asking them to Resign
bigkahunaI didn't see a thread about this, so I decided to throw one out there.
I tried to post it on the political forum, but it wouldn't let me for some reason.
This is getting ridiculous. I know people are upset with the government, but things like this just lead to violence plain and simple. Even if it isn't intended, some nutjob will take stuff like this to he extreme. Couple this will Congressmen having their live's threatened, are we headed towards a coupe? (Not really, but damn)
Link to one of the many articles. -
I Wear PantsThe group that sent these are full of crazy assholes who completely believe in the whole Illuminati thing. I hope they can find some charge to stick on them so they can be put away.
krambmanYour thread didn't get posted in the Politics forum yet because all threads there need to be approved by a mod first. Give it some time and it will show up.
ts1227It's been approved on politics now, probably should move the discussion to that thread.