
  • End of Line
    Just like Omegle I was addicted to this for a little while, until I found out there were a bunch of guys wacking it.
  • UA5straightin2008
    sherm03 wrote:
    UA5straightin2008 wrote: i was addicted for a while, i had a pretty funny prank going...

    i downloaded this program called camtwist, and i downloaded a video of a web cam girl in lingerie typing at a computer

    i would set it on a loop and i could set it so the person i was chatting with would see the video of the webcam girl not me

    well i would get guys going and say like if you take off your shirt i take off shouldve seen the guys faces they get soooo excited

    so they take off their shirt and i say "ok ready for my turn" and i switch it to my camera and give them the brain!! (my nuts) hahah its so funny to watch their reaction
    That's hilarious man!
    haha word spread in my dorm rather fast so i would have people coming in my room once or twice a day for me to show them hahahahah it was very funny for a while and did not get old fast
  • Upper90
    gerb131 wrote: Never been on there, looks kind of fun but hold the cock.
    Oh, trust me. They do.

    I went on there one night, just to see what all the fuss was about, and seemed to hit a jackpot of jackin'. I've been too nervous to go back.