
Freehuddle is "Minor Leauge"

  • LJ
    What a fucking child
    very minor(LOW LEVEL ROOKIE BALL) league site
  • vball10set
    as long as justin keeps the reputation and integrity of this site in check,it will prosper.

    if not.......
  • GoChiefs
    I had to reply, LOL:
    NewarkCatholicFan;4818287 wrote:I agree I post from time to time on a very minor(LOW LEVEL ROOKIE BALL) league site that has a lot of the former posters from here on it and it is not good for the most part.
    gochiefs;4820845 wrote:Lets see have 2,162 posts...18.99 posts per day...and you've started around 280 threads over on that 'minor league site'..and it's only been around since what...November? Seems to me like you're there quite a bit don't ya think? Sounds like someones a little bitter b/c people can tell you what they really think about you over there? ;)
  • Nate
    Sounds like he is a Rookie Ball All-Star!
  • devil1197
    Yo, have we been called up yet?
  • ts1227
    Shit, with the name change and everything, this is summer league college ball now... :rolleyes: