
Oroville Dam (Basement View)

  • Tiernan
    Too dam bad (see what I did there...) this isn't happening closer to Hollywood and the damn Dam would break on Oscar Night.
  • ernest_t_bass
    Reps to tearnan.... oh wait.
  • Tiernan
    I wish there was a dam holding back the Cuyahoga from drowning all the derelicts in Cleveburgh. Hopefully the Head House Thugget would go first because you just no Negro can swim.
  • salto
    They already are removing a lot of the dams on the Cuyahoga river.

    Hope this helps.
  • Tiernan
    There are a lot of dams in Cleveburgh...every time the Clowns draft 1,000,000 assholes say "God Damn It".