
Tiernan Not in Jail

  • Tiernan
    I know some of you Cleveburgh dooshers have been wagging that Tiernan has been doing a 60 day rip for his 3rd DUI. WRONG...asswipes. It's just with the Clowns & Caviqueers in a lull I dont have any reason to kick you dickheads (and one dicksucker) in the taint day after day. When your Head House Thugger starts to gear up for the playoffs I'll be back. Until then...Suck it!
  • IggyPride00
    Jail is a better place than this hell hole.
  • Tiernan
    God Damn I'm gonna enjoy watching the Caviqueers go down in flames this sports raving about " The greatest (Thugger) of all time" ....that POS will get his come uppance big time in the playoffs this year. Oh How I will dance and sing around the campfire of your broken souls.
  • Tiernan
    Where has Likey Like_that been when I kick Cleveburgh in the balls post after post? Hiding behind a woman no doubt like his daddy did on the playgrounds when I'd use him as a punching bag.
  • friendfromlowry
    No one cares about your shitty life Tiernan. Except the other moron that resides down here with you. Justin created a thread about voting for new mods, why don't you throw your hat into the rin-- oh wait.
  • Tiernan
    FFL...ask your Mom how much she enjoyed last night.