
Pathetic - LeBum Named SI Sportsman of the Year

  • Tiernan
    I guess Sports Illustrated doesn't value Integrity, Teamwork or ironically Sportsmanship. Revel in your little victory NEO....your crash & burn is coming in spectacular fashion.
  • Tiernan
    I can see you looking in Likey Like that...don't act like you never check out the basement you sorry POS.
  • Tiernan
    The other Thugger Hugger Cammy Newton was second in voting but hasn't done shit since last year. Love to see him get shut out of the playoffs. C'mon Seattle put a nail in this Mandingo's coffin.
  • Tiernan
    fuckin called that one dint I OCers? Tiernan has been on quite a roll in '16. The only one I really missed was the Caviqueers gift championship thanks to the league office...but all you Cleveburghers go ahead and keep pretending you all really won something.
  • Tiernan
    LeBum making a giant ass of himself over the Trump hotel thing. Take your mega-rich black ass up to the Bronx and see how "your people" treat you.
  • Tiernan
    Golden State is on a mission GRIEVELANDERS to make your 2017 just as shitty as your Fall 2016 has been. Kinda sucks to be part of the greater NEO metro-dump this holiday season doesn't it Sparky?