Lebrona Kardashian Gives Money to Akron Kids
TiernanEvery time I get "removed from the thread" from now on I'll just create an alternative thread in the basement so those of us who have a mind of our own and believe everything bullshitters like Lebron James do something only for the pure unadulterated reason of free publicity - we can freely base that opinion without being banned for alternative thinking. Booyah drones.
TiernanGotta love day-drinking dipshirs
TiernanI see over on the original thread that Ilike2getBoned is impressed because Lebronda donated the money to purchase a new gym for his Catoleigh HS. News Flash Mofos...the fkg Catoleigh Church is the richest corporation in the world and all that money supports a shadow nation of lies, corruption, terrorism and pedophilia. Way to go LJ...your money (tax deduction)was well spent.