
Anyone Need A League?

  • OhioStatePride2003
    Here's the deal, I waited around for a bunch of the guys that I was in leagues with last year to start a league, and none of them did. So now I'm left without a league so far this year. So I'm wondering if I can get enough people to fill up a league if I create one? I have one other person that would join, so there'd be 10 spots left to complete a 12 team league. It'd be a head-to-head league, live draft (Sunday evening works best for me). I'm not going to create the league, unless I can get enough people to fill up a league. Let me know if you'd be interested. Appreciate it.
  • Prescott
    I would join if you can get at least a 10 team league.
  • OhioStatePride2003
    I have another potential person, so we're up to possibly 4 if you joined and this person joins.
  • jpake1
    I didn't see your thread. I just created the same thing.. a money league, not sure what this one is. I've already got a league started just in case. The draft is set for Sept 5th @ 9pmEST. I'd be down to join up leagues. There is another guy that would be interested if we can fill it up.
  • OhioStatePride2003
    Right now there's four signed up, but up to seven (three haven't signed.) We just play for fun, it was hard to find a money league this year because I just kind of had to throw it together.
  • j_crazy
    I'll do it, but if it's on Yahoo, I'm hit or miss on whether my PC will be able to draft.