
Next Mandate by Congress.

  • tk421
    Since we have now given Congress clear power to force the American people to take part in commerce, what will be the next items that will be required? Perhaps to help GM, everyone should be required to purchase a vehicle from them? Outlaw foreign made products to help the American manufacturing base? Perhaps everyone should be required to have life insurance so that debtors are not stuck with bills upon someone's death?

    Congress clearly now has this power. The interstate commerce clause gives them the authority to mandate American citizens participate in commerce simply as a result of living for the good of the country. What will be next? When does it stop? Mandating insurance for everyone is OK, what would be crossing the line? How many freedoms are we going to give up?
  • CenterBHSFan
    I like Major Sparks idea.

    Everybody should have the right to protect themselves, so the government should help every household in the country to buy guns.

    After all, the right to bear arms IS in the Constitution! ;)
  • tk421
    ccrunner609 wrote: Its not so much what they might make us buy, its what they might take away that scares me.
    Hmm, can they squeeze banning guns under the commerce clause?
  • Little Danny
    The major piece of legislation is going to be amnesty for "undocumented citizens".
  • tk421
    Little Danny wrote: The major piece of legislation is going to be amnesty for "undocumented citizens".
    Hey, that's a good idea. Stimulate the economy of the U.S. and Mexico, everyone in America is mandated to buy a Mexican worker.
  • cbus4life
    They are probably going to tell us that we all have to go back to JJ Huddle.
  • redstreak one
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^ NO, say it aint so plucky, say it aint soooooooo! lol