
CNN poll: 52% say Obama doesn't deserve reelection in 2012

  • Footwedge
    "Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto." --TJ

    Similar to John Quincy Adams statement "we do not seek out monsters to destroy."

    And people think that the libertarian party is something new......
  • Footwedge
    2quik4u wrote:
    Footwedge wrote: Ron Paul would have been the true "Messiah". Some of his views might be a little too archaic, but it would have been a lot of fun watching him veto every fuggin spending bill...including that of the Pentagon.
    He wouldn't be afraid to do the "grunt" work and get rid of everything.
    I would have cried just like Jesse J. did had he won. As president, he would not have been able to eradicate many things. But he sure would have made a difference on how things are done.

    As a side bar comment...kudos to Evan Bayh for railing on our government being run by the loibbyists and special interest groups.
  • gibby08
    Footwedge wrote:
    2quik4u wrote:
    Footwedge wrote: Ron Paul would have been the true "Messiah". Some of his views might be a little too archaic, but it would have been a lot of fun watching him veto every fuggin spending bill...including that of the Pentagon.
    He wouldn't be afraid to do the "grunt" work and get rid of everything.
    I would have cried just like Jesse J. did had he won. As president, he would not have been able to eradicate many things. But he sure would have made a difference on how things are done.

    As a side bar comment...kudos to Evan Bayh for railing on our government being run by the loibbyists and special interest groups.

  • 2quik4u
    Footwedge wrote:
    2quik4u wrote:
    Footwedge wrote: Ron Paul would have been the true "Messiah". Some of his views might be a little too archaic, but it would have been a lot of fun watching him veto every fuggin spending bill...including that of the Pentagon.
    He wouldn't be afraid to do the "grunt" work and get rid of everything.
    I would have cried just like Jesse J. did had he won. As president, he would not have been able to eradicate many things. But he sure would have made a difference on how things are done.

    As a side bar comment...kudos to Evan Bayh for railing on our government being run by the loibbyists and special interest groups.
    Well if he was our president that means he was voted in so I would bet things would get done after awhile because the people would start having protests against congress. Then if nothing changes they would get voted out.

    Oh to dream...
  • dwccrew
    gibby08 wrote:
    dwccrew wrote:
    gibby08 wrote:
    bigmanbt wrote:
    dwccrew wrote:
    ptown_trojans_1 wrote: Can't defend the tanking. 2012 is far away but it is looking like Bush Sr. A great foreign policy, but domestic policy became his demise. Obama's foreign policy is solid, given the complex international chessboard, but frankly his domestic policies, and leadership suck ass.

    But, honestly, who else can lead right now?

    +1 (obviously)
    Ha ha ha...that made me laugh
    But what is truly funny is that blind lambs like you believe that government we have is actually taking car of us instead of leading us to the slaughter. Haven't you noticed that over the past few decades this country has been getting worse and worse? That's because the government is getting bigger and bigger.

    Look throughout history, the bigger the government gets, the closer that country was to crumbling.

    For you to call me a blind lamb show how little you know about my political beliefs.

    The reasons your suggestion of Dr.Paul(who is in no doubt a highly intelligent man) is ready to lead this nation made me laugh are as follows:

    1.The man will be 76 years old by the time the 2012 election comes around. How is a man that old ready to lead?? Will he even be around to serve a full term??

    2.The man has already tried multiple times(in multiple parties) to win the nomination,and has failed to convince the American people he is ready to lead. What makes you think he can do it now??

    Wow eers....openly rooting for our country to fail...real nice pal

    I'm with CBus....If I see a Jefferson quote one more time...I might have to kill myself
    Why would someone want to ignore one of the most brilliant minds this country has ever had, not too mention one of the founding fathers? We should embrace what Jefferson has said and done. People who don't want to hear it are denying that our country has spiraled out of control.

    "A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government. "
    -Thomas Jefferson
  • gibby08
    I've got no problem with President a matter a fact,I view him as the true father of our country,as opposed to George Washington

    But when people quote him in every damn gets quite annoying
  • Little Danny
    gibby08 wrote: I've got no problem with President a matter a fact,I view him as the true father of our country,as opposed to George Washington

    But when people quote him in every damn gets quite annoying
    Lay Down Sally--- TJ, later credited to Eric Clapton

  • CenterBHSFan
    Little Danny wrote:
    gibby08 wrote: I've got no problem with President a matter a fact,I view him as the true father of our country,as opposed to George Washington

    But when people quote him in every damn gets quite annoying
    Lay Down Sally--- TJ, later credited to Eric Clapton


    Post of the month!!!!
  • Footwedge
    gibby08 wrote:
    Footwedge wrote:
    2quik4u wrote:
    Footwedge wrote: Ron Paul would have been the true "Messiah". Some of his views might be a little too archaic, but it would have been a lot of fun watching him veto every fuggin spending bill...including that of the Pentagon.
    He wouldn't be afraid to do the "grunt" work and get rid of everything.
    I would have cried just like Jesse J. did had he won. As president, he would not have been able to eradicate many things. But he sure would have made a difference on how things are done.

    As a side bar comment...kudos to Evan Bayh for railing on our government being run by the loibbyists and special interest groups.

    Because it would have meant that the only guy that could actually fix America, would have overcome the lack of support from corrupt lobbyists and a media that hated him in winning the election.
  • Footwedge
    "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."
    Thomas Jefferson
  • eersandbeers
    gibby08 wrote: I've got no problem with President a matter a fact,I view him as the true father of our country,as opposed to George Washington

    But when people quote him in every damn gets quite annoying

    Why does it get annoying to quote the experts on the subject? They bolster an argument with evidence which is what you do in a discussion.
  • CenterBHSFan
    eersandbeers wrote:
    gibby08 wrote: I've got no problem with President a matter a fact,I view him as the true father of our country,as opposed to George Washington

    But when people quote him in every damn gets quite annoying

    Why does it get annoying to quote the experts on the subject? They bolster an argument with evidence which is what you do in a discussion.

    Because, for those who haven't caught on yet, Gibby loves to antagonize and create controversy like it's his job.
    It will ultimately climax, peak and then go away, only to come back with another name.