
Seven flaws in the way liberals think

  • FatHobbit
    They can be dumb as a rock, but believe they're smarter than most other people because they're liberals.
    I think that applies to conservatives as well.
  • Writerbuckeye
    The biggest flaw in liberal thinking is pretty basic: As a general rule, liberals distrust corporations and don't believe private companies will ultimately do the right thing. They believe that many of these corporations are too big to trust and should never be given the benefit of doubt.

    Ironically, they also believe that large government will do the right thing (ultimately) and is better at making decisions for most people than the people themselves. They have no problem with government being big in size (apparently) because they end up trusting them to take care of folks pretty much from cradle to grave.

    It basically comes down to whether you trust individuals to make their own decisions vs. having the government do it for them.

    As far as this article...I think it's safe to say much of what he wrote is true regarding most liberals, but there are obviously clear exceptions simply because you're dealing with individuals.
  • cbus4life
    You don't think "most liberals" have respect for our culture and traditions?
  • FatHobbit
    cbus4life wrote: You don't think "most liberals" have respect for our culture and traditions?
    No! That's why they want to let all those strange people in. We should only let people in who look and act exactly like we do! Speak English for crying out loud. </sarcasm>
  • pmoney25
    Being liberal does not equal hating America or being a bad person. They just have a different philosophy on how government works.

    I believe their way is wrong but I will still respect them for fighting for their beliefs as long as they are respectful of others.
  • bigdaddy2003
    While I agree grouping all liberals or conservatives into one big group is wrong I do know several liberals who fit this list. It's quite funny.
  • gibby08
    Yes marty....

    Michael Savage is the all-knowing being when it comes to politics

    You do realize that he may be more hated than Rush right?
  • Gobuckeyes1
    Seven Huge Flaws in the Way Conservatives Think:

    1) Conservatives don't care about anyone who is not an American.
    2) Conservatives believe that the only way to deal with our enemies is to bomb them back to the stone age.
    3) Conservatives think that all of our problems can be solved by doing things like we did them 200 years ago when the founding fathers were around, because tradition and culture have all of the answers.
    4) Conservatism is a fundamentally moral and just philosophy that is always matter what (even if lots of people suffer or die in the process)
    5) Conservatives believe that merely being conservative makes them good people.
    6) Conservatives think everything would be just fine if there was no government at all.
    7) Conservatives are greedy bastards that care more about money than people.

    See...that was easy. It took me 5 minutes to come up with a list of total bullshit generalizations about the Right, just like the hack that wrote the original article did.

    If you believe the original list is accurate for all liberals, you are a partisan idiot. If you believe that my list is accurate for all conservatives, you are also a partisan idiot.
  • wizecracker
    ^^^I'm conservative and that list really doesn't offend me. I'd rather be generalized that way than as a liberal.
  • Strapping Young Lad
    1) Conservatives only believe what someone else tells them about human nature. Anything from snake-handling, to child-molesting descendents of the apostles are running our church, to terrorist attacks are God's way of punishing the US, to the earth is only a few thousand years old and man lived alongside dinosaurs.....

    2) Conservatives see anyone who has untapped oil sources as our enemy and will invent reasons to invade their counrty, kill a few civilians, and implement our own form of goverment. This is America baby!!! Survival of the fittest!!!

    3) Conservatives accuse liberals of not having respect for culture as we bomb the shit out of the Cradle of Civilization and destroy artifacts, ancient architecture, and ancient near eastern culture to make 'em do it OUR WAY!!!!

    4) One of my best friends was serving in Iraq during Bush/Cheney and is now in Afghanistan. Ask him and his buddies who the most immoral and corrupt politician of our time is

    5) Eh, whatever that means....

    6) Conservatives believe too much in sky-gods. Ask the terrorists how that's working out for them......

    7) Something that doesn't work and costs the country billions???

  • fish82
    You know what the difference is? When generalizations are thrown out about conservatives, we smile, wave, and go on our merry way. There are foreigners to bomb the shit out of, after all.

    You people, on the other hand, descend into arm-flailing, mouth-frothing hissy fits anytime the same is done to you.

    We're cool and mellow. You're uptight and prissy.

  • I Wear Pants
    That was really, really, dumb. Even for Uber-Conservative nutjobs. If you're going to make one of these, can it at least be funny?

    Fish82: The people who posted above you were merely giving retorts. Apparently defending your position now makes you uptight and prissy.
  • CinciX12
    What the hell. I'm a liberal and I don't fall into any of those categories.

    Maybe someone with down syndrome would? I'm far to cynical to believe anyone can change.
  • I Wear Pants
    I'd argue that conservatives are the ones that believe people can change/trust in people too much. I mean, why else would you want to leave the banking industry alone, it certainly isn't because the market has been making the fair and correct decisions.
  • Writerbuckeye
    I Wear Pants wrote: I'd argue that conservatives are the ones that believe people can change/trust in people too much. I mean, why else would you want to leave the banking industry alone, it certainly isn't because the market has been making the fair and correct decisions.
    Perhaps it's because history tells us that government interference in free markets makes things even worse.

    I'll use Fannie and Freddie as exhibits one and two.
  • dwccrew
    I think liberals and conservatives have both made huge, detrimental mistakes that have negatively impacted our country. On the other hand, they have both made decisions that have positively effected our economy.

    I think people (especially politicians) need to get over this political war that is going on. Conflicting ideologies are a guarantee in life. Instead of fighting over every little thing, I believe it is more important to find some common ground and really work for the people. That is what they were elected to do.

    I do like WriterBuckeye's analogy of how SOME liberals very much distrust corporations, yet think the government can run people's lives. I believe neither can be trusted. When people are put in positions of power, more often than not they will use it to further their own self interest and agenda. Not always, but most of the time they do.

    These are my opinions.
  • Footwedge
    Writerbuckeye wrote:
    I Wear Pants wrote: I'd argue that conservatives are the ones that believe people can change/trust in people too much. I mean, why else would you want to leave the banking industry alone, it certainly isn't because the market has been making the fair and correct decisions.
    Perhaps it's because history tells us that government interference in free markets makes things even worse.

    I'll use Fannie and Freddie as exhibits one and two.
    Fannie and Freddie interfered with free markets? How was their interference any different than any other corporation?

    Fannie and Freddie run the exact same way as the oil industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the oil industry, and the banking industry.

    F & F has high paid/overpaid CEO's, lobbyist perks, , stockholders, board of directors, and benefit from artificially inflated prices.

    And......they were and are publicly traded companies.

    Exactly the way Pfizer, XOM. AIG, Lehman Bros and the rest of them operate.

    Their execs voted themselves huge bonuses with the good ole boy tacit nod of approval from the board members.

    If you are gonna rail on maleveolent behaviors of F & F, then you by default are playing by the so called "liberal playbook" in bashing American oligopolistic corporations.
  • I Wear Pants
    Writerbuckeye wrote:
    I Wear Pants wrote: I'd argue that conservatives are the ones that believe people can change/trust in people too much. I mean, why else would you want to leave the banking industry alone, it certainly isn't because the market has been making the fair and correct decisions.
    Perhaps it's because history tells us that government interference in free markets makes things even worse.

    I'll use Fannie and Freddie as exhibits one and two.
    They failed after we removed a bunch of regulations in the late 1990s.
  • HitsRus
    The regulations removed were common sense lending 'rules' that made it easier for unqualified people to get loans they couldn't afford. It was directly aided and abetted by liberals in yes it was government interference and it is a classic case.
  • derek bomar
    umm... who was in charge of congress in 2004? What party was Hank Paulson affiliated with? You can't just act like Democrats made the rules that allowed greedy poor people to get mortgages and overlook the limits on leverage...It's comical how one sided and narrow minded some of you people are. Did Dems have a role? Sure...can we also point out the other side of the coin also instead of blaming one party?
  • I Wear Pants
    HitsRus wrote: The regulations removed were common sense lending 'rules' that made it easier for unqualified people to get loans they couldn't afford. It was directly aided and abetted by liberals in yes it was government interference and it is a classic case.
    Removing regulations is a classic case of the government not interfering.
  • LJ
    Footwedge wrote:
    Writerbuckeye wrote:
    I Wear Pants wrote: I'd argue that conservatives are the ones that believe people can change/trust in people too much. I mean, why else would you want to leave the banking industry alone, it certainly isn't because the market has been making the fair and correct decisions.
    Perhaps it's because history tells us that government interference in free markets makes things even worse.

    I'll use Fannie and Freddie as exhibits one and two.
    Fannie and Freddie interfered with free markets? How was their interference any different than any other corporation?

    Fannie and Freddie run the exact same way as the oil industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the oil industry, and the banking industry.

    F & F has high paid/overpaid CEO's, lobbyist perks, , stockholders, board of directors, and benefit from artificially inflated prices.

    And......they were and are publicly traded companies.

    Exactly the way Pfizer, XOM. AIG, Lehman Bros and the rest of them operate.

    Their execs voted themselves huge bonuses with the good ole boy tacit nod of approval from the board members.

    If you are gonna rail on maleveolent behaviors of F & F, then you by default are playing by the so called "liberal playbook" in bashing American oligopolistic corporations.
    Fannie and Freddie are GSE's who have always had the explicit backing of the Federal Government.

    I, on the other hand, am in the Oil Industry. My company is not a GSE nor do I have the explicit backing of the Federal Government.
  • Writerbuckeye
    HitsRus wrote: The regulations removed were common sense lending 'rules' that made it easier for unqualified people to get loans they couldn't afford. It was directly aided and abetted by liberals in yes it was government interference and it is a classic case.
  • I Wear Pants
    Writerbuckeye wrote:
    HitsRus wrote: The regulations removed were common sense lending 'rules' that made it easier for unqualified people to get loans they couldn't afford. It was directly aided and abetted by liberals in yes it was government interference and it is a classic case.
    Ok, so when Democrats enact regulations on an industry they are screwing it up because the GOVERNMENT SHOULD KEEP OUT OF BUSINESS but when they remove regulation they should STOP INTERFERING AND LEAVE REGULATIONS AS THEY ARE?

    By the way, removing those regulations was monumentally stupid, so don't think I support them.
  • Strapping Young Lad
    Writerbuckeye wrote:
    HitsRus wrote: The regulations removed were common sense lending 'rules' that made it easier for unqualified people to get loans they couldn't afford. It was directly aided and abetted by liberals in yes it was government interference and it is a classic case.
    Yep. I heard it on Fox News.....