
Anyone see Obama with his dancing shoes on today?

  • Writerbuckeye
    I simply answered 2kool's question about why I dislike Obama.

    When it comes to Obama and Israel, I don't believe he will be even-handed and I don't trust him.

    He has ties to a former Yasser Arafat flak named Rashid Khalidis from his Chicago days, and he was very slow to criticize Carter's meeting with Hamas, even when the former president was undercutting US policy regarding Palestine and Israel.

    I'll be interested to see if he proves me wrong on this -- but I'm betting he doesn't.

    If the economy ever settles down and Obama disengages from his frenetic domestic agenda, I'm betting he'll turn his attention to this issue (all Presidents seem to) and then it will be more clear which side of this issue he's really on.