
House Dems opposed to Obama's proposed spending freeze, cut

  • BCSbunk

    Is President Obama now suggesting that the government has done what it can (with Bushs and His bailout money) and now will attempt to lower the deficit?
  • majorspark
    Laughable at this point. It can only be considered political rhetoric until he breaks out the veto pen.
  • Cleveland Buck
    Yeah, I'm sure he is serious about it. What a joke. I love that this happens the day after the election in Massachusetts.
  • IggyPride00
    Obama might be well to do to pick this fight with Nancy Pelosi if he is serious about it.

    Maybe we are seeing the opening salvo of BHO channeling his inner Bill Clinton now that the country has clearly repudiated the San Francisco values of Nancy Pelosi Democrats.
  • majorspark
    Obama may soften his rhetoric for political expediency, but he is no Bill Clinton. His political history indicates otherwise. I doubt he turns from it.
  • Apple
    Did the repo man give BHO a call yesterday?
  • tk421
    That pretty much sums up Democrats. They want to spend even more money to "prop" up the economy, as if the "stimulus" bill wasn't enough. This is why I don't believe anyone will ever cut spending. If you read further down the article they say that you can't cut food stamps and the program to pay for heating, etc, etc, etc. They are always going to say that a program is needed and cutting funding would harm the country.
    But the Democrats warn that cutting or freezing spending at this point might further damage the economy. The White House should focus instead on spending government dollars to help the economy recover and bring the unemployment rate down from 10 percent, they said.
  • believer
    tk421 wrote:
    But the Democrats warn that cutting or freezing spending at this point might further damage the economy. The White House should focus instead on spending government dollars to help the economy recover and bring the unemployment rate down from 10 percent, they said.
    Yeah...this one made me laugh. Their $787 Billion Porkulus Spending Sammich rammed through Congress last year was designed to keep unemployment from going above 8%.

    Now that it's 10% they believe they need to spend even more taxpayer dollars to keep the unemployment rate from going higher since the first round of porkulus spending worked so well.

    Now the Dems are wanting to raise the debt ceiling another $1.9 trillion "to be able to pay the bills." PAY THE BILLS?

  • CenterBHSFan
    If Obama is serious about this and really follows through/can pull it off, I'd be more than happy to vote for him again in '12. My whole political view of him would do a 180° turn.
  • redstreak one
    He has spouted off about change so much and nothing has changed, that I will hold my statements until I see this actually being implemented.
  • FatHobbit
    redstreak one wrote: He has spouted off about change so much and nothing has changed, that I will hold my statements until I see this actually being implemented.
    Definitely. But you can apply that to every politician.
  • fan_from_texas
    IggyPride00 wrote: Obama might be well to do to pick this fight with Nancy Pelosi if he is serious about it.

    Maybe we are seeing the opening salvo of BHO channeling his inner Bill Clinton now that the country has clearly repudiated the San Francisco values of Nancy Pelosi Democrats.
    I agree. I'm no Obama apologist, but he was dealt a rough hand with the economy. I didn't expect to see a quick turnaround regardless of the candidate, so I'm not too negative on him. But I am pretty negative on the SF hippie wing of the Dem party, and I'd love to see Pres. Obama stick it to them a la Clinton and take a more moderate route.
  • CinciX12
    I believe that they will in fact end up cutting some things.

    Then just use that money and give it to people who abuse welfare.
