Influence of China in Congress
ptown_trojans_1Read something in the Post this morning, and it should bring both sides together in some sort of outrage. The article goes on to say that because of greater economic interconnectedness, China has a strong lobby presence.
While the 1990s saw hostility toward the Chinese, now with states having Chinese companies hiring American workers, suddenly members of both parties have changed their tune.
While I'm not for a hostile approach to China, the thought of our lawmakers being influence by Chinese lobby is unnerving. I'm also against lobbies having a strong influence, whatever their political affiliation. -
believerKhrushchev said the commies would take us down from within. I just never in my wildest dreams thought it would be the Chi-coms.
It unnerves me too but the Chinese own the U.S. government now.
This, coupled with last year's financial meltdown, is not unlike how the French owned the German government just after World War 1. When the French - and to a lesser extend the Brits & Americans - attempted to collect reparations from the Germans after the war, the German economy floundered mightily causing a lot of political unrest.
The subsequent Wall Street collapse causing the Great Depression compounded the problem. The end result was the rise of Nazi Germany.
I'm not suggesting things will be this bad in the United States, but if the Chinese decide to call in the loan, we could be in deep, deep trouble. -
IggyPride00This is what you get when the government has to borrow too much because we have a pair of political parties that think money grows on trees and have no concept of how to control spending.
As long as the Republicans think playing world police is free, and the Democrats think domestic spending doesn't need to be controlled, the best we can hope for is that the Chinese and others are kind enough to keep lending us money. -
derek bomarI like Chinese food and Asian I'm kind of ok with this. lol.