
Political View Check In

  • OneBuckeye
    Just curious to see what type of people made it over to this forum.

    I am for less government and laws all the way around. I don't care what other people do as long as they aren't stealing, killing and harming others they can do what they want. (I am therefore against abortion, except for when the mothers life is in danger) Lower taxes, more power to the states.

    Everyone else? I thought about making this a poll but political views vary greatly from social to non social issues. I don't think you can classify someone as a liberal or conservative because most people have a mixed bag of views.

    Generally I could care less about social issues most of the time so I vote Republican. I wish there were more financially conservative choices but there aren't.

    What is your political stance?
  • Cleveland Buck
    I am for the federal government performing only their role as defined in the Constitution.

    I am for free market capitalism with the federal government's only place in the economy to ensure that companies don't become so large that they distort the market.

    I don't think the federal government needs any say in social issues.

    I am for replacing our current tax system with a consumption tax. I am for lower tax rates and much lower government spending. I am for progressive tax rates that are not excessively progressive.

    I am for a strong military, and I do feel it is good to have some bases strategically located around the world, but what we have now is just too much. We could cut our defense spending in half and still maintain the strongest, best equipped military in the world.

    I feel that safety net programs like unemployment insurance are necessary to our society, but should come from the states, not the federal government. If the federal government wants to provide money to each state to help pay for programs like these in general (with no strings attached), that is fine as long as we aren't running a deficit to do it. Any money from the federal government that is directed or attached to any specific industry only serves to distort the free market in that industry and does far more harm than good.
  • OneBuckeye
    Cleveland Buck wrote: I feel that safety net programs like unemployment insurance are necessary to our society, but should come from the states, not the federal government. If the federal government wants to provide money to each state to help pay for programs like these in general (with no strings attached), that is fine as long as we aren't running a deficit to do it. Any money from the federal government that is directed or attached to any specific industry only serves to distort the free market in that industry and does far more harm than good.
    Well put. +1
  • Belly35
    Strong Military ( bring back the draft)
    Small Government
    Private Sector (Government stays out of the private sector business)
    Tort Reform for Medical Profession
    Political Term Limits
    United States Constitution (do not change or alter)
    Drill for Oil
    Death Penalty
    Send Illegal Back
    Shot first at the US Borders ask Question Later
    Political Correctness My Ass
    Entitlement Go Piss Up a Rope
  • fish82
    Less government.

    More waterboarding.

    Simple. :cool:
  • queencitybuckeye
    Fiscally conservative. The idea that government can create economic "fairness" better than the marketplace is simply laughable.

    Socially liberal. Do whatever the hell you want as long as it doesn't infringe on others' rights and as long as you pay for it yourself.
  • Mike Clark
    Last was the first year EVER that all branches of the military EXCEDED their quota for enlistments.

    Even if they would ever bring back the draft(they wont). It wont be like the draft of will not be forced into combat. You would have a choice of being infantry,a teacher,a cook.etc..

    I'm a liberal

    I don't agree with gay marriage,but I don't think we as a country should be able to tell people that they can't marry the person they love
  • OneBuckeye
    ^ You are entitled to your opinions. This is a thread to put what you believe out there and to not bash other peoples views.
  • ontheline
    Capitalism! Federal Gov't should focus on national security and infrastructure. States should focus on attracting education and developing an ideal business environment for manufacturing and service providers. Local should focus on fire and police protection, local roads and parks.

    Of course, this is generally speaking.
  • believer
    Belly35 wrote: Capitalism
    Strong Military ( bring back the draft)
    Small Government
    Private Sector (Government stays out of the private sector business)
    Tort Reform for Medical Profession
    Political Term Limits
    United States Constitution (do not change or alter)
    Drill for Oil
    Death Penalty
    Send Illegal Back
    Shot first at the US Borders ask Question Later
    Political Correctness My Ass
    Entitlement Go Piss Up a Rope

    ^^^This PLUS:

    Abortion (or more accurately legalized infanticide) with the exception of direct, verifiable threat to the mother's life should be BANNED.
    Do what you want in the privacy of your own homes and bedrooms but DO NOT force me by law or edict to treat your gay relationship as a marriage and DO NOT force me by law or edict to give you hiring preferential treatment because of your sexual preference.
    Eradicate "Affirmative" Action.
    Eliminate hiring preferences based on skin color, sex, and sexual orientation.
    Get the NEA the hell OUT of dictating and setting academic agenda & policy and force them to act ONLY as a labor union.
    Global warming (climate change) is the biggest political scam ever created for the redistribution of wealth.
  • unique_67

    With that being said, I do think it is time for BOTH parties to wake up to the problems we have with excessive spending by the federal government. Members of BOTH parties love to spend money, so I do not see this as a Democratic Party -vs- Republican Party issue.
  • Mr. 300
    Conservative views across the board.
  • Gobuckeyes1
    I consider myself a moderate that leans to the left. The only issue that I am clearly conservative on is gun rights.
  • Mike Clark
    I have a question for all of you pro-lifers.

    What if the girl is a victim of rape or incest??
  • OneBuckeye
    I wouldn't be against abortion in that case.
  • believer
    Mike Clark wrote: I have a question for all of you pro-lifers.

    What if the girl is a victim of rape or incest??
    So killing the INNOCENT and DEFENSELESS baby rights the wrong?
  • bcubed
    OneBuckeye wrote: Just curious to see what type of people made it over to this forum.

    I am for less government and laws all the way around. I don't care what other people do as long as they aren't stealing, killing and harming others they can do what they want. (I am therefore against abortion, except for when the mothers life is in danger) Lower taxes, more power to the states.

    Everyone else? I thought about making this a poll but political views vary greatly from social to non social issues. I don't think you can classify someone as a liberal or conservative because most people have a mixed bag of views.

    Generally I could care less about social issues most of the time so I vote Republican. I wish there were more financially conservative choices but there aren't.

    What is your political stance?
    I would have to say I would agree with you onebuckeye. The other thing I have always said is that most people are somewhere in the middle and really only about 25% are either hardcore Dems or Repubs. But I agree I tend to vote Republican.
  • believer
    Reagan conservative
  • majorspark
    I believe the constitution is the legal document that governs the union between the 50 sovereign states. I believe the federal governments powers are limited to those specifically enumerated in the constitution. Those powers not granted fall to the states and the people under the 10th amendement. I believe the federal government is increasingly operating outside those enumerated powers.

    I believe in free market capitalism. The freedom to succeed beyond ones wildest expectations. But also the freedom to fail. Any company to big to fail is no longer exemplifying free market capitalism because tax payers could be forced against their own free will to subsidize them. Subsidies of all kinds are contrary to a free market.

    I am also a fiscal conservative and am in favor of a balanced budget amendment to the constitution. We could only go into deficit spending on a budget in the case of a national emergency and only with the same requirements of a constitutional amedment that would have to be renewed each year.

    I strongly support the fair tax as a means of supporting the federal government. Also the repealing of the income tax.

    All social issues are to be left to the states and the people(local communities) to decide. If you don't like what your state or locality is doing you have the freedom to stay and try and change it or move.
  • ontheline
    Becareful now, every one of you people are in danger of having your name put on "the list". And I'm pretty sure big brother has a way of finding the true identity behind your screen names!
  • Cleveland Buck
    ontheline wrote: Becareful now, every one of you people are in danger of having your name put on "the list". And I'm pretty sure big brother has a way of finding the true identity behind your screen names!
    I'm sure that I'm on every one of Barack's lists.
  • Mike Clark
    believer wrote:
    Mike Clark wrote: I have a question for all of you pro-lifers.

    What if the girl is a victim of rape or incest??
    So killing the INNOCENT and DEFENSELESS baby rights the wrong?

    You really would want the mother to have to carry a child she never planned on having??

    How about the kid? What happens when she/he is a teenager and finds out that they were the product of a rape or that their grandfather is also their father?? Would you want to put a child through that? I sure wouldn't
  • El Jefe Grande
    Fiscal conservative, social liberal.
  • IggyPride00
    Very Conservative on Social Issues.

    Fiscally I am a budget hawk and am first and foremost worried about the deficit first, and taxing and spending second. I have gotten far more pragmatic about this as I have gotten older, as I used to be a Club for Growth type of disciple in the "every tax is evil" vain. We have to face the reality that it is going to take a combination of draconian budget cuts in concert with tax increases to ever hope to balance the budget.

    The "cut taxes, and grow your way out of the deficit" idea worked when our national debt was only a trillion or two, but at 12 trillion and growing that mentality is not practical nor realistic.

    In a perfect world I would love small government and low taxes, but until we pay for the 30 years of profligate spending done by both Democrats and Republicans that ran up that debt it is just fantasy land to think this can happen (at least the low taxes part).

    It is nice to see the familiar faces that migrated over here. I came to the site and saw no general forum or politics forum and was a little perplexed, thankfully I registered and they popped up. I also like the structure of the rules, so hopefully this works well.
  • I Wear Pants
    I don't really like to write down or formalize my views.

    But I find that in general I am more liberal on social issues.

    I'm also a fan of laissez-faire economics when possible.

    All in all I just choose what I thinks the least stupid candidate/policies and support them. I don't care who they are or what party they're from.