
How will micro chipping humans change this world?

  • Bio-Hazzzzard

    I wouldn't do it myself but it seems to be a near future event. Would you as an American citizen participate or decline this type of control from the government?
  • rydawg5
    ugh, whoever chooses to have cell phones services through ATT & Verizon or has their location services turned on, basically is choosing to do this now.

    Obviously, no one will say to implant the, but they are doing it right now though 99% of the time without even knowing it.
  • TedSheckler
    So microchipping is this updated version of this?

  • gut
    There are obviously a lot of benefits this presents. Sort of like the NSA stuff, I don't really worry about being hauled off to jail and so, to me, the benefits greatly outweigh the risks.

    But practically speaking, I'm not going to be a guinea pig for this until it's proven there are no adverse health affects and can't be hacked. I don't do sensitive financial transactions on my phone because there's really no reason I'd be unable to wait before getting access to my computer in a few hours.