
Republican Primary

  • like_that
    You would think they would learn their lesson from 4 years ago, however they insist on having 12+ candidates run and go with another hollywood squares format primary. Seriously, why is somebody like Santorum running? What a fucking joke.

    Anyway, a few questions:

    1. Who do you think is going to win?
    2. Who do you want to win? Why?
    3. If you support Hillary, why? If Hillary were not to win the presidential election, which republican candidate would you be able to tolerate the most?

    -Unfortunately I think Jeb is going to win.

    -I want Rand to win, since he is the closest thing to libertarian that the GOP has. He also doesn't strike me as somebody who wants to play typical politics BS. If he isn't going to win (he most likely won't) Kasich has been growing on me. Kasich has a track record of success. He wont from taking Ohio from an 8 billion deficit to a 1.5 billion surplus. That is pretty damn legit. Not really a fan of his stance on social issues, but I never vote on social issues. Hopefully he changes his stance on social issues to "leave it up to the states," and I think more independents would be in line with him.
  • SportsAndLady
    Jeb will win
    Want Rand to win.
    I'm moving to Turkey if Hillary wins.
    I also like Kasich due to his financial policies. His religious nonsense is a bit much but whatever. I'm over voting for someone because their social values and opinions line up with mine. I want a president who can help turn this economy around and assure that my younger brother who is about to start college won't have to struggle with this job market that we all are now.

    Kasich seems like a 2020 candidate though. Might be a little too premature for his run.
  • cruiser_96
    1.) Not sure who will win, but from what I can tell, I don't think Jeb is a slam dunk.
    2.) I'm going to start doing research after Independence Day. I am starting with R. Paul, T. Cruz, S. Walker, and maybe even B. Carson. Will move through the laundry list from there.
    3.) What!? Are you serious!?!?!? ;) ;) ;) If not for a Clinton-loving media, she'd be irrelevant and, honestly, imprisoned.
  • like_that
    SportsAndLady;1736166 wrote:Jeb will win
    Want Rand to win.
    I'm moving to Turkey if Hillary wins.
    I also like Kasich due to his financial policies. His religious nonsense is a bit much but whatever. I'm over voting for someone because their social values and opinions line up with mine. I want a president who can help turn this economy around and assure that my younger brother who is about to start college won't have to struggle with this job market that we all are now.

    Kasich seems like a 2020 candidate though. Might be a little too premature for his run.
    I thought this too, until I saw a poll that had him 9 pts ahead of Hillary in Ohio. It's an early poll, but that is pretty telling IMO.
  • HitsRus
    I have not talked to one person who wants either Jeb or Hillary. I think everybody is sick and tired of the Clintons and the Bushes.
    Right now, I'm a Rubio guy. I like his vision of the future. That could change. Ben Carson is up there too.
  • like_that
    HitsRus;1736234 wrote:I have not talked to one person who wants either Jeb or Hillary. I think everybody is sick and tired of the Clintons and the Bushes.
    Right now, I'm a Rubio guy. I like his vision of the future. That could change. Ben Carson is up there too.
    How would you feel about a Kasich/Rubio ticket?
  • Commander of Awesome
    Haven't been following that closely yet, but does Huntsman have a shot/going to run?

    2. Haven't done enough research on the candidates yet, but I'm not in favor of Bush or Hilldog.
    3. Unfortuantely I think Hillary is going to get the democrat nom. I've voted non democrat in the past (Wsn't a Kerry fan at all) and might consider so again this yr if Hillary gets the nom. Listen to her Fresh Air interview with Terry Gross from last yr, she wouldn't even admit that she's changed her mind on gay rights from the early 90s, and was a total side talking high and mighty twerp. Such a coward/joke.
  • HitsRus
    like_that;1736235 wrote:How would you feel about a Kasich/Rubio ticket?
    I'd be down with that. :)
  • rydawg5
    Both support the patriot act so maybe we can just put nsa on a group text when're I text a person

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • BoatShoes
    1. I think Jeb will end winning. Rupert Murdoch likes him way more than Romney and that is enough. He is going to need a tea partier on the ticket though.

    I do not think it is a slam dunk though like it was for Romney. Which is funny because I don't get when people started thinking Jeb was a squish. Conservatives loved him during the Terry Schiavo thing.

    2. Of Republicans I would want Kasich but I think he will sit it out and try in 2016. But since he won't run I like Rubio's tax plan but he has sold his soul to the super hawks and that means I cannot support him. I wish he would have remained a Senator.

    I think Scott Walker can beat Hillary but I do not think he will win the primary but he and Ted Cruz are the two I want the least. I hope and pray Cruz wins the nomination so we never again have to hear the false argument that the reason the GOP loses is because the nominees are not conservative enough.

    3. I think Hillary will be a good president because she is experienced and has made a living dealing with everything the right wing can throw at her and she is a pragmatist.

    If Bernie Sanders had Mitt Romney's hair cut I would be all in for him but I will take Hilldog.
  • friendfromlowry
    SportsAndLady;1736166 wrote:I want a president who can help turn this economy around and assure that my younger brother who is about to start college won't have to struggle with this job market that we all are now.
    What's he majoring in?
  • ptown_trojans_1
    1. Who will win: Jeb or Hilliary
    2. Who do I want? No one really. They all are just awful.
    3. I kinda support Hilliary, but her negatives are way too high, plus there is too much shady and power politics for my liking.

    This is the first time I can remember where I really do not care who wins. I really doubt it matter. Whoever wins will not be able to really unite the two sides to fix the large problems that we face. If it is Hilliary, it will be just like Obama and she will not be able to accomplish anything, especially if the R' are still in control.
    If Jeb wins, he will be panned as another Bush, and the D's will not support him on anything. And, his moderate views will not allow the hardcore R's to support him.

    But, I do know I will watch the 1st debate cause it will be just pure entrainment and no substance.
  • HitsRus
    If this truly turns into Jeb vs Hilary, we know for sure that the elections are fixed... And I truly be worried for the republic.
  • QuakerOats
    like_that;1736235 wrote:How would you feel about a Kasich/Rubio ticket?

    I like it.
  • sanitizer
    1.- Rubio,

    Although I do think (if Ben stays strong in debates he will make a strong vice candidate).

    I think the minority vote means too much for either party NOT to consider. Candidates have to have credibility with that audience?
  • fish82
    I'd be down with any ticket combo of Paul/Walker/Rubio at this point in the game.
  • gut
    If Rubio, Paul or possibly Walker, don't win the nomination, then it would be wise for the winner (and the Repub party) to make one of those guys VP.

    I think Kasich and Walker could be potentially strong VP candidates for their potential to deliver Ohio or Wisconsin. If Bush/Kasich can take FL and OH, they likely win the general.

    Give me Walker/Paul or Paul/Walker. I like a lot about Rubio, but I don't really care for his social positions (although those don't matter to me). Any combination of those 3 could give Repubs the WH for the next 16 years.

    Although we are likely to go 4, much less 8, more years without a pretty significant recession. And that could easily flip the WH regardless of which party wins 2016.
  • gut
    sanitizer;1736616 wrote: Although I do think (if Ben stays strong in debates he will make a strong vice candidate).
    Ben Carson will be skewed enough by both sides to make much progress. But even as a VP, he's just not going to deliver many black voters. You could have a ticket with Ben Carson and Condoleeza Rice and 75% of blacks would still vote Democrat (but maybe their turnout would be lower).
  • sportchampps
    Please let it be Kasich. He is an amazing at budgeting and holding to the budget. I don't mind him bringing up his reliegon but he needs to stick with the attitude of leaving most of the social issues to the states and voters. Republicans need to learn that they need to politic to the people in the middle. Instead they all beat the same drum against gay marriage anti marijuana and lose votes. People who are against those things are already going to vote republican no matter what you say go after the undecided and middle of America. Make it all about the economy and foreign policies and push social issues on the states.
  • sportchampps
    BTW Arnold will definitely be helping Kasich campaign and raise donations.
  • gut
    sportchampps;1737853 wrote:People who are against those things are already going to vote republican no matter what you say go after the undecided and middle of America. Make it all about the economy and foreign policies and push social issues on the states.
    There are more than a few that believe elections are won based on turnout and not winning undecided voters - Romney won independents, but too many conservatives stayed home and Obama turned out his vote better. Even in Ohio, Romney allegedly won independents by 10 points and still lost by 3 points.

    Not to say that Repubs don't need to grow their base, but to win in 2016 they need turnout in OH and FL.

    Only 58.2% of eligible voters voted in 2012, down over 3 points from 2008. If you just think about the math and that 40% of the country votes straight Dem and another 40% votes straight Repub...then the key to winning elections is to get your 40% to vote and that other 40% to stay home.
  • jmog
    gut;1737283 wrote:Ben Carson will be skewed enough by both sides to make much progress. But even as a VP, he's just not going to deliver many black voters. You could have a ticket with Ben Carson and Condoleeza Rice and 95% of blacks would still vote Democrat (but maybe their turnout would be lower).
    Fixed it for you.
  • rmolin73
  • rmolin73
  • SportsAndLady
    ^ neither of those two pictures were funny