
Health Care Bill Would Still Leave Millions Uninsured.

  • tk421

    Wasn't this a main sticking point for passing some kind of legislation? That the U.S had all these millions of people without insurance dying in the streets and Congress just had to act to save them? Turns out this bill won't do any of that, if we didn't already know that.
    Even as Democrats seek the biggest expansion of health coverage in decades, as many as 23 million people could still be without insurance by 2018, illustrating the complexity of achieving the long-held Democratic goal of universal health care.
    Couple this with a report from the middle of December that health care costs will not go down, but increase with this bill, the passage of this is a huge mistake.
    Analysts in the Obama administration's Health and Human Services Department reported Friday that the nation's $2.5-trillion annual healthcare tab will not shrink at all under the Democrats' legislative blueprint as being pushed by happy Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic leader in the Senate.

    Instead, they said, the nation's medical costs will actually grow faster under the new bill than....

    ...they would if that chatty crowd of Washington spenders did absolutely nothing nada zippo about it. And even if they did pass the existing version for all that money, 24 million Americans would still remain uncovered.
  • believer
    ^^^This whole FARCE of a bill was typical Democrat political BS. They can now claim the moral high ground by telling us they "care about us" by giving us health care "choice".

    The problem is nothing has changed except Pelosi/Reid/BHO can now send out the Health Care Gestapo and fine us for choosing not to pay for forced government care...and of course the additional national debt.

    But you are of the biggest rallying cries (and assisted by the liberal media) going into the health care "debate" was that 40 35 30 million Americans who have no health care insurance whatsoever were at risk of dying in the streets - in fact thousand upon thousands were indeed dying - unless the Feds stepped up to the plate to "fix" that problem.

    The silver lining is that the Dems own this insanity 100%.

    Change we can believe in.
  • CenterBHSFan
    I don't think anybody who opposed this from the beginning are suprised by this huge cesspool of waste aka health insurance bill.
    It really was bound to be like this, wasn't it? I know a bunch of us in the political forum could see this coming from 50 miles away. It's all there...just look back...

    Seriously. It's too disgusting to even find some sort of sick, ironic, revenge-minded pleasure out of it. I mean, what can anybody say about this?

    So here we have this bill that will be forcefully thrusted right into our guts and what will there be to show for it?
    A slight "dent".

    Our only chance of surviving this fiasco is if President Obama doesn't sign it.
    But, I think he will. This will be considered a "win" for the democratic party and displayed as a "win" for the American people in the hopes of this years elections, along with '12.

    Again, I'm reminded of that age old saying: "be careful what you ask for..."

  • Writerbuckeye
    It's a complete travesty and insult to anyone with two brain cells who isn't so partisan they can't see 2 inches beyond their nose.

    Those who defend this see only the political "win" for Obama. They could care less whether it ends up hurting more people than helping them.
  • BCSbunk
    Can someone please post the complete bill that passed so that these claims can be fact checked? So far I have not been able to find it anywhere so this is all conjecture until we can see the actual bill and its wording.
  • Little Danny
    believer wrote: ^^^This whole FARCE of a bill was typical Democrat political BS. They can now claim the moral high ground by telling us they "care about us" by giving us health care "choice".

    The problem is nothing has changed except Pelosi/Reid/BHO can now send out the Health Care Gestapo and fine us for choosing not to pay for forced government care...and of course the additional national debt.

    But you are of the biggest rallying cries (and assisted by the liberal media) going into the health care "debate" was that 40 35 30 million Americans who have no health care insurance whatsoever were at risk of dying in the streets - in fact thousand upon thousands were indeed dying - unless the Feds stepped up to the plate to "fix" that problem.

    The silver lining is that the Dems own this insanity 100%.

    Change we can believe in.
    I wish you were right. Unfortunately, when this HCB falls on its face and everyone is up in arms, the liberal media will spin that it was the Republicans and evil Big Insurance Companies fault. The same flock of folk will buy it hook, line and sinker.... just as they always do.
  • hookshot
    You can "Keep the Change"...
  • believer
    hookshot wrote: You can "Keep the Change"...
    True. They're going to need it to help fund this nonsense.
  • Elliot Stabler
    You republicans on here are so ignorant when it comes to the facts if this bill it's not even funny
  • CenterBHSFan

    The thoughts on this thread are a direct response to what is being reported by MSNBC, The Washington Post, and the like.

    Perhaps they are ignorant also and need to be set straight by you.
  • Writerbuckeye
    CenterBHSFan wrote: E.S.,

    The thoughts on this thread are a direct response to what is being reported by MSNBC, The Washington Post, and the like.

    Perhaps they are ignorant also and need to be set straight by you.
    Yep. Seems to me E.S. is the ignorant one (or perhaps just so partisan he can't stand the idea that his party has dumped a load of crap and is about to hand it out to 300 million people).
  • believer
    Elliot Stabler wrote: You republicans on here are so ignorant when it comes to the facts if this bill it's not even funny
    Keep sucking down the Kool-Aid.
  • BCSbunk
    Has anyone here read the bill that was passed by the Senate? If so please provide a link. Reading conjecture from bias sources is not the same as reading the bill itself.
  • believer
    ^^^Why not try the White House site? After all BHO promised to be transparent and to give us all 5 days to read a bill before he signs them. Just a thought.
  • Elliot Stabler

    Yes...Im the ignorant one....When I've read the bill TWICE,and know it frontwards and backwards
  • believer
    Elliot Stabler wrote:

    Yes...Im the ignorant one....When I've read the bill TWICE,and know it frontwards and backwards
    Maybe it makes more sense when you read it backwards?

    Keep drinking the Kool-Aid.
  • cbus4life
    This is a shitty bill, plain and simple.

    Really dissapointed in Obama, and, for that matter, most of the Democrats in Congress.

    Bah Humbug.
  • I Wear Pants
    I love the idea behind the bill. But this bill blows goats.
  • Writerbuckeye
    Elliot Stabler wrote:

    Yes...Im the ignorant one....When I've read the bill TWICE,and know it frontwards and backwards
    Then you're a partisan hack who only cares about the "victory" not actual health care reform.
  • cbus4life
    I Wear Pants wrote: I love the idea behind the bill. But this bill blows goats.

    I don't even know why they're bothering.

    It really is about the "victory" part of it, which is BS.

    And, if this goes through, i don't think they'll have the chance to go back and create "real" reform here in the immediate future, as the attitude will be that "we already gave you a chance once," and it didn't work out.

    A real shame.
  • tk421
    What are the Democrats going to do 10 - 20 years after the bill passes and there are still millions of Americans without health care insurance? Pass another bloated stupid bill?
  • believer
    tk421 wrote: What are the Democrats going to do 10 - 20 years after the bill passes and there are still millions of Americans without health care insurance? Pass another bloated stupid bill?
    Of course. Dems excel at bloated stupid bills.
  • cbus4life
    I say again, i completely agree with you guys. This bill is a bloated POS, and not the reform i was hoping for at all.
  • GeneralsIcer89
    There was one mistake in all of this. Somebody trusted the government, no matter who was in charge.
  • CenterBHSFan
    GeneralsIcer89 wrote: There was one mistake in all of this. Somebody trusted the government, no matter who was in charge.
