Party Foul! Tea Partiers Eat Their Own In Bitter Internal Feud
unique_67There is a major feud going on within the ranks of the Tea Party Movement. The Tea Party Patriots(TPP) have filed suit against a former TPP leader who fell into disfavor wit the TPP when she became involved with the Tea Party Express(TPE).
The TPE was founded by a team of consultants from the GOP. I do think the original motivation for the Tea Party Movement was sincere, and truly meant to be a movement direct at both the Democratic and Republican Parties. But, individuals associated with the GOP latched on to this movement and they have caused more harm than good.
Party Foul! Tea Partiers Eat Their Own In Bitter Internal Feud -
fish82If TPTB at GOP headquarters have a functioning brain cell left between them, they'd shut the hell up and get out of the TPP's way. The original movement was the best thing they had going, and now they're about to fark it up bigtime.
eersandbeersThe Tea Party movement was originally started by libertarians. When top ranking members in the GOP saw how big it was getting they decided to hijack the movement.
believerIf you insist.
girevikThe Boston Tea Party was actually in response to a corporate tax CUT, shame on these dick wads for hijacking the name.
girevikBefore I have to explain I ask that you please forget about the lies you ate up in school and simply google something like "causes of the boston tea party." It's funny how none of you trust the state for anything yet you believe every lie they ever told you as a child.
CenterBHSFan^^^ Please fill us in, oh wise one!
Cleveland BuckChud, you found your way here. Great.
girevikI've been instructed that I must explain myself or my post will be deleted, I highly doubt anyone else who posted here was instructed to do the same, but here goes.
From the very first link:
"In 1773 Parliament passed the Tea Act, which gave the English East India Company a chance to avert bankruptcy by granting a monopoly on the importation of tea into the colonies. The new regulations allowed the company to sell tea to the colonists at a low price, lower than the price of smuggled tea, even including the required duty."
It's more subtle than the 2nd link which says:
"Of course the British government was reluctant to let it happen from fear that this may disrupt financial markets. As an alternative to a direct loan the Ministry decided to allow the company to send tea to America without paying an export duty."
In case you're confused, where it says "export duty" what they mean is "tax."
Then there's the 3rd link, and it says:
"The parliament decided to forgo the usual import/export duties it placed on products going in or out of the colonies for the East India Company alone."
and that translates loosely to "like the parliament just decided that this one multinational corporate conglomorate didn't have to pay any taxes and The Sons Of Liberty decided that was a real bummer, man."
I could keep going with the links on that page, I'm sure they all pretty much say the same things though. Reality has a well known liberal bias. Pisser, isn't it? So can my post stay? Did I make my case better than the guy who said:
"Chud, you found your way here. Great."? -
LJIf you have a problem with my moderating, take it to PMs
RoyalNutParty Foul! Tea Partiers Eat Their Own In Bitter Internal Feud
Is the title of this thread, and in a way it is true.
But what is really happening is that the Tea Party people are rejecting the intervention of the GOP to try to take credit for and sway the votes of the true Grassroot Tea Party Movement. The case you site is true, but the GOP like the Dems as well just will not except the fact that there are millions of Americans that are just DONE with both of them.
But what you do not hear about is the fact that there is much more coming together of the grassroots movement then there is dissension. They are holding a Liberty Summit in December where many members of groups such as the Tea Party people, The 912 group and the Oath keepers are meeting to unite in forming a viable 3rd party or to influence the candidate selection of either major party. But what this boils down to is we are tiered of the progressive movement in this country continually swinging this nation further and further to the left. We as a whole believe returning to the bill of rights and the original constitution is essential for the future of our great country.
If you are currently serving military, reserves, National Guard, peace officers, fire-fighters, or veterans I would like to take this opportunity to ask you to take a look at Oath Keepers. What they simply believe is that you took an Oath to support and defend the "CONSTITUTION of the United States of America" from enemies foreign and domestic. They are simply asking people to reaffirm that Oath. They can be found here.
There is a short video on the upper right hand side of this page. It is very well done. I believe you would enjoy it. -
CenterBHSFanInteresting site, Nut.