Do you feel safer with Barrack Hussein Obama in the Whitehouse???
Swamp FoxThe question and point is mute. I don't feel any less or more safe with President Obama in office. And for the record, I absolutely feel that the use of Obama's middle name was intentional and designed to dredge up the same old worn out and disproven accusations against him. It is customary to use the full name of the new President during the Swearing In Ceremony. It isn't customary to use it every time you are trying to discredit the President or suggest that something is true by inference. Ronald Wilson Reagan? George Herbert Walker Bush? Richard Milhouse Nixon? James Earl Carter? Lyndon Baines Johnson? it probably wouldn't take too long to research the number of times during these guy's Presidential campaigns that their middle names were used. There is absolutely no question that it was done with Obama to drive home the inaccurate religious inference attached to him by his political enemies, that some how his middle name tied him to terrorism, and it is still being done, and it is still as inaccurate as it was from the very beginning. Wasn't it Joseph Goebbels who claimed that it was better to tell a big lie over and over because the people would be more likely to believe it ? I think some of us have been doing it for quite some time.
bman618If a terrorist is determined enough, they'll find a way to hit us. I'd rather live in a free society and have to take that chance - which is very small if it'll impact any single person - than living in a police state that claims to make us safe, and actually isn't much more safe and you have to fear the government then, too.
As for Obama, he really isn't that different than Bush. -
Swamp FoxI would agree with "bman618", both with regard to his view of the relative impact that Presidents Bush and Obama have had on the assurance of our safety, and also on how I chose to live my life. We can't live in fear every day. There will always be the threat of terrorism and so we deal with it. A police state is a far worse solution to terrorism than to just live each day and count on our current intelligence services to protect us as best they can. All things considered, they do a pretty effective job.
Gobuckeyes1I also agree with those who say we can't live in fear. If I let terrorism affect the way that I live my life, then the terrorists have won. Like someone else pointed out on a different thread...I have a better chance of dying in a car accident on the way to the airport than I do of dying in a terrorist attack on the plane. I would much rather take that chance than live in a police state. This is part of the price that we pay to live in a free country.
F*** the terrorists. -
I Wear Pants
Good thing you're right about not believing the last part.Writerbuckeye wrote:
I hope you don't really believe that last part.I Wear Pants wrote: I've never felt threatened by terrorism. Not once. Living in fear isn't living at all.
Also, I do feel safer with Obama in office. The rest of the world doesn't hate them so they're less likely to fly over here to try and hurt Americans because of him.
The part of the world that despises us (and is most likely to try and hurt Americans) doesn't care who is in the White House. -
dwccrewI don't feel any more or less safe under Obama's reign than I have under any other presidents reign, from terrorists. I do, however, fear many of the policies he is allowing Congress to enact. IMO, these are detrimental to our survival as a democracy.
cbus4lifeNothing has changed.
Devils AdvocateBHO= Douche....... GWB= Douche
The united States Military GOAT....
No or....yes...What was the question? -
CenterBHSFanDevils Advocate wrote: BHO= Douche....... GWB= Douche
The united States Military GOAT....
Well, that just about covers it! -
I totally agree.Devils Advocate wrote: BHO= Douche....... GWB= Douche
The United States Military= GOAT....
But to answer the OP's question, I feel less safe because BHO, like WJC, is dealing with terrorists as criminals, not as military combatants. This is known to cause terrorists to consider the US weak and has been proven to embolden the terrorists to strike the US.
The longer BHO considers terrorists criminals and not enemy combatants, the more likely American civilians and US military personnel are going to needlessly die. -
Gobuckeyes1Hmm...looks like two of the terrorists responsible for helping to plan this latest bombing attempt were released from Gitmo in 2007.
Pretty hard to blame Obama for this 2007 a certain unnamed Republican was in office. -
Bushy, Bushy, Bushy!Gobuckeyes1 wrote: Hmm...looks like two of the terrorists responsible for help plan this latest bombing attempt were released from Gitmo in 2007.
Pretty hard to blame Obama for this 2007 a certain unnamed Republican was in office.
At any rate, that just makes me wonder even more if it is such a good idea to shut down the joint and try the people as regular street criminals.
Hmmmm... -
Which is why they should have just been eaten alive by pigs in the first farking place.Gobuckeyes1 wrote: Hmm...looks like two of the terrorists responsible for helping to plan this latest bombing attempt were released from Gitmo in 2007.
Pretty hard to blame Obama for this 2007 a certain unnamed Republican was in office. -
74Lepsand ol' Bush wasn't pressured into releasing them because of their 'brutal' treatment? By the PC crowd?
74LepsNext we'll have to have our underwear checked before we can fly anywhere - problem solved. LOL but it isn't funny.
And I'm all for profiling.
If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case; you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."
Winston Churchill