
Is This What Obama PROMISED?

  • Prescott
    During his campaign PROMISED he would change the way things were done in Washington. Now, we have a health care reform bill which will pass because deals were made and palms were greased.

    That's the change we can believe in and a party that is lead by a President who is proving himself to be a fraud.
  • eersandbeers
    Is this something along the lines of what you mean?

    Seven broken promises in two minutes.
  • Glory Days
    eersandbeers wrote: Is this something along the lines of what you mean?

    Seven broken promises in two minutes.
    i wonder what he would say if someone actually confronted him with that video.
  • tk421
    Glory Days wrote:
    eersandbeers wrote: Is this something along the lines of what you mean?

    Seven broken promises in two minutes.
    i wonder what he would say if someone actually confronted him with that video.
    I wish the media would, but it's never going to happen. Hopefully, someone running against him next election will use that video in a commercial and play the hell out of it.
  • majorspark
    Prescott wrote: During his campaign PROMISED he would change the way things were done in Washington. Now, we have a health care reform bill which will pass because deals were made and palms were greased.

    That's the change we can believe in and a party that is lead by a President who is proving himself to be a fraud.
    You got that right. While a few got their palms greased the rest got their asses greased. Bend over guys Uncle Sam will be making his rounds.
  • Prescott
    I knew during the campaign that he couldn't keep all of the campaign promises he made because he would tell whichever special interest group he was speaking before what THEY wanted to hear.

    I wonder how many people would have voter's remorse after viewing that video. CHANGE we can believe in!!!
  • believer
    BHO is beginning to make Slick Willy look like an amateur. I can just hear his excuse now. With finger pointed at the camera BHO will say, "I want the American people to listen to me carefully...I did NOT have sexual relations with the media."

    Clinton promised to run the most ethical administration in American history...and we all know how that promise turned out. So why be surprised BHO has lied about his promise to run the most transparent administration in American history?

    He is, after all, the best Chicago-land community organizer ever to become POTUS.

    Change we can believe in.
  • cbus4life
    If Obama signs this freaking health care bill, i'm done with him.
  • CenterBHSFan
    I think Obama will sign it. He is being told from all his political party that this will signal a win for him.
    I HOPE he doesn't sign it. Not just for the obvious reasons. I would love to see him buck the system for once!
  • Little Danny
    The only think BHO changed was whose palms were greased, and hope that America is to dumb to realize it.

    The sad thing is there are a large number of people in our country who are.
  • Cleveland Buck
    It is the opposite of what Obama promised, but anyone with a brain knew this was coming. All you had to do was look past his speeches and at his record to see who the real man was. Unfortunately, not enough people did it.
  • wkfan
    I almost hope that this bill goes in and is effective 1/1/2010.

    Once the majority of the America public sees what this bill will do, the Ds will get creamed at the mid-term elections. Once that happens, good-bye majority in the House and Senate.
  • believer
    Like I said, let's hope enough people realize it now that 2012 will be BHO's last year in office.
  • BCBulldog
    believer wrote: Like I said, let's hope enough people realize it now that 2012 will be BHO's last year in office.
    The problem is that most of this won't take effect until 2013. Ironic timing, huh?
  • believer
    BCBulldog wrote:
    believer wrote: Like I said, let's hope enough people realize it now that 2012 will be BHO's last year in office.
    The problem is that most of this won't take effect until 2013. Ironic timing, huh?
    Typical DC politics especially from the Dems...take credit for passing legislation designed allegedly to "help" the average American and then blame the Republicrats when things go wrong.

    It's not ironic; it's by design.
  • QuakerOats
    cbus4life wrote: If Obama signs this freaking health care bill, i'm done with him.
    There is a God.

    Best wishes for a blessed and Merry Christmas.
  • BCSbunk
    Prescott wrote: During his campaign PROMISED he would change the way things were done in Washington. Now, we have a health care reform bill which will pass because deals were made and palms were greased.

    That's the change we can believe in and a party that is lead by a President who is proving himself to be a fraud.
    OH NOES a politician lied. <GASP>

    I see the terrorist loving anti-americans are out in full force.

    Remember the conservative law. He who critizises the President is a terrorist loving america hater.

    SLAPS FOREHEAD....... Oh yeah that is only if you criticize a Republican President......

    I do find it hilarious that both camps of fanatics are at each other doing the exact same things that the others criticize. It is really funny to watch people argue over which pile of crap is more delicious. LMAO
  • believer
    BCSbunk wrote:I see the terrorist loving anti-americans are out in full force.

    Remember the conservative law. He who critizises the President is a terrorist loving america hater.
    Only if you're referring to terrorism. Health care "reform" - while admittedly scary - is not terrorism.
  • BCBulldog
    BCSbunk wrote:
    Prescott wrote: During his campaign PROMISED he would change the way things were done in Washington. Now, we have a health care reform bill which will pass because deals were made and palms were greased.

    That's the change we can believe in and a party that is lead by a President who is proving himself to be a fraud.
    OH NOES a politician lied. <GASP>

    I see the terrorist loving anti-americans are out in full force.

    Remember the conservative law. He who critizises the President is a terrorist loving america hater.

    SLAPS FOREHEAD....... Oh yeah that is only if you criticize a Republican President......

    I do find it hilarious that both camps of fanatics are at each other doing the exact same things that the others criticize. It is really funny to watch people argue over which pile of crap is more delicious. LMAO
    I will agree that partisanship is a major problem, but that doesn't distract from the fact that this bill is a disaster and those responsible for it (yes, Democrats this time) need to be held accountable.
  • Prescott
    Forget this reform bill for a moment and focus on the transparency and the change that was promised by Mr. Obama.

    Negotiate health care reform in public sessions televised on C-SPAN. Sure thing, Mr.Obama.
    It will not be POLITICS as usual in Washington. Right, Mr. Obama.
    Tougher rules against revolving door for lobbyists and former officials. Right, Mr. Obama.
    Allow five days of public comment before signing bills. Right, Mr.Obama.

    Why would anyone believe anything Mr.Obama says?
  • Cleveland Buck
    Prescott wrote: Why would anyone believe anything Mr.Obama says?
    I don't know why anyone believed him before the election.
  • believer
    Prescott wrote: Forget this reform bill for a moment and focus on the transparency and the change that was promised by Mr. Obama.

    Negotiate health care reform in public sessions televised on C-SPAN. Sure thing, Mr.Obama.
    It will not be POLITICS as usual in Washington. Right, Mr. Obama.
    Tougher rules against revolving door for lobbyists and former officials. Right, Mr. Obama.
    Allow five days of public comment before signing bills. Right, Mr.Obama.

    Why would anyone believe anything Mr.Obama says?
    BHO also promised a spirit of bipartisanship in Washington. Right...
  • wkfan
    I wanted to believe what he had to say....

    however, common sense told me that he could never cash all of the checks he was writing in order to get elected.

    Too bad so many others were taken in by his style and discounted his lack of substance.
  • believer
    Only 11 months into this disaster and here are even more broken promises:

    Earmark reform. BHO's "Gotta spend it NOW or unemployment will soar past 8%" Porkulus Bill includes earmarks. Oh yeah....unemployment is now above 10%.

    Bring home the troops. His pledge to bring home all the troops from Iraq and Afghanistan by May 2010 helped him defeat Queen Hillary who was her party's shoe-in for the nomination. BHO is sending 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan but promises to bring them home in 18 months. I'm sure the Secretary of State will gladly help him make that happen. Right.

    Executive signing statements. The Anointed One ragged on Bush for this practice and pledged he would not do the same. He attached his own signing statements to his own spending bill but now promises to do so in the future with "caution & restraint." Uh huh...

    ...there's plenty more but you get the idea.

    BHO...Change we can believe in. Right.
  • Footwedge
    believer wrote: Only 11 months into this disaster and here are even more broken promises:

    Earmark reform. BHO's "Gotta spend it NOW or unemployment will soar past 8%" Porkulus Bill includes earmarks. Oh yeah....unemployment is now above 10%.

    Bring home the troops. His pledge to bring home all the troops from Iraq and Afghanistan by May 2010 helped him defeat Queen Hillary who was her party's shoe-in for the nomination. BHO is sending 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan but promises to bring them home in 18 months. I'm sure the Secretary of State will gladly help him make that happen. Right.

    Executive signing statements. The Anointed One ragged on Bush for this practice and pledged he would not do the same. He attached his own signing statements to his own spending bill but now promises to do so in the future with "caution & restraint." Uh huh...

    ...there's plenty more but you get the idea.

    BHO...Change we can believe in. Right.

    Your point number 2 is wrong. Not even close to what he said he would do.